

  • 留学家长报
  • 2025-03-09 10:50
  • 77
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Master of Science in Management of Information TechnologyCatalog (Amission in Fall an Spring Semesters)The MS-MIT program requires a minimum of 32 grauate-level hours.  Stuents are require to take the following core information technology courses plus a total of 26 hours of grauate-level electives incluing a minimum of 13 hours of MIT electives.  Stuents may complement the MIT electives with business electives.Degree NotesThe MS-MIT egree can be complete in 3 (three) semesters.Stuents have up to 5 (five) years to complete the egree.Evening courses are available for stuents to pursue the MS-MIT egree on a part-time basis.For more course information,please refer MIS Division Course Catalog (PDF)MIT Require Coursework (6 hours)MIT 5602 Management Information SystemsMIT 5732 Managing Business IntelligenceMIT 5742 Data Science an AnalyticsMIT Require Elective Coursework: 26 Hours13 hours of grauate-level MIT Electives13 hours of grauate-level Business or MIT ElectivesGrauate-level MIT Elective Options (13 hours require)MIT 5032 Analytics Programming 1 ®MIT 5970 Analytics Programming 2 (Python)MIT 5612 Database Design an AministrationMIT 5662 Project ManagementMIT 5682 Business Data AnalysisMIT 5692 E-Business Architecture (ERP)MIT 5702 Social AnalyticsMIT 5752 Clou Computing an Distribute File SystemsMIT 5772 Principles of Data WarehousingMIT 5822 Healthcare Information TechnologiesMIT 5832 Healthcare Information SystemsMIT 5762 Enterprise MoelingMIT 5782 Avance Database ManagementMIT 5970 Health Analytics


G Liste Unergrauate Courses - Unergrauate Courses Available for Grauate Creit (3 Hours)MIS 4433 Project ManagementMIS 4463 Business Infrastructure an Cyber SecurityMIT 5013 Java ProgrammingMIS 4313 Introuction to AnalyticsMIS 4663 Fiel ProjectMIS 4393 ERP Planning ConfigurationRelevant Grauate-level Business Elective OptionsMKT 5402 Marketing ManagementMKT 5412 Market ResearchSCM 5522 Prouction/Operations ManagementB AD 5001 Quantitative Methos an Moeling IB AD 5122 Quantitative Methos an Moeling IISCM 5502 Supply Chain Management




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