英国利物浦是一所美丽的港口城市,在英格兰西北部,人口439,476。距伦敦189英里,曼彻斯特28英里,格拉斯哥 213英里。早在清朝就有中国海员定居于此。著名的墨西河边有闻名的阿尔波码头,现代流行歌曲开创者一披头士之博物馆,Tate现代艺术馆和海事博物馆的故乡;内陆有迷人的Croxteth国家公园和Speke厅,市内建筑独具风格,载入世界建筑史的天主大教堂,英国国教大教堂,市政厅,圣乔治大厅,大剧院和Philharmonic音乐厅。市内建有欧洲最古老的中国城,海岸线与上海外滩极为相似,是上海的姐妹城市。
如果你打算攻读硕士学位,你可能需要从各种渠道寻求财政支持,如贷款或奖学金。 利物浦大学能够为国际学生提供一系列奖学金和奖励。下面列出了各种奖项、资格标准、奖励金额和申请细节。 如果想获取任何关于讲学金的信息,可以联系老师,以下是研究生硕士奖学金名目
John Lennon Memorial Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Future Leaers Master’s Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Acaemic Awar
University of Liverpool Management School Stuy Awar
University of Liverpool Management School Lonon Full Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Liverpool MBA Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Liverpool MBA Partial Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School MBA Stuy Awar
University of Liverpool Women in Football Scholarship for the Football Inustries MBA
Scottish Power Scholarships
Liverpool Law School LLM Bursaries
The Rushworth Scholarships
Sport Liverpool Scholarships
Vice-Chancellor’s International Attainment Scholarship - PGT
Postgrauate Progression Awar - International
Sport Liverpool Scholarships
Chevening Scholarships
Liverpool International College (LIC) Excellence Awar
ULMS Inia Excellence Scholarships
University of Liverpool Commonwealth Postgrauate Bursary
Commonwealth Share Scholarship
University of Liverpool Hong Kong Grauate Association Scholarship
HRH Princess Sirinhorn University of Liverpool Scholarship
Chevening University of Liverpool Awar
Sir Ratan Tata Scholarship
Marshall Scholarships
Fulbright Scholarships
Liverpool International College (LIC) Regional Progression Awar
Aviva Scholarship
Liverpool Law School LLM Bursaries
Liverpool Law School Hong Kong Scholarships
Scottish Power Scholarships
University of Liverpool Management School Liverpool MBA Partial Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Women in Football Scholarship for the Football Inustries MBA
University of Liverpool Management School Future Leaers Master’s Scholarship
University of Liverpool Management School Lonon Full Scholarship
Hogson Law Scholarship