

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-04 16:58
  • 32
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



鲍尔州立大学( Ball State University ),成立于 1918 年,四年制综合性公立大学,位于印第安纳州中部的曼西市,综排 187。开设有本科、研究生以及博士课程。



  • Accounting

课程方向 :

Tax Planning an Research

Attestation Principles an Practices

Accounting Information Systems

International Accounting Issues

Seminar in Management Accounting


Master of Science in Accounting – Research an Analytics Concentration,30 creits

Open only to MS in accounting majors or by permission of the epartment chairperson.


500 Corporation Finance (3)Principles unerlying the financial management of nonfinancial corporations. Topics inclue: goals of the firm; financial planning,forecasting,an control; principles of valuation; investment ecisions uner certainty an uncertainty; capital structure ecisions an cost of capital; ivien policy; management of current assets; sources of short-term funs an security law.

Prerequisite: amission to a grauate or certification program of the university; ACC 201 or 501 or equivalent.

Not open to stuents who have creit in FIN 300 or equivalent.

645 Business Analysis for Value Creation (3)Provies a conceptual framework for business analysis an examines the valuation funamentals of a business. Topics inclue: financial analysis,managing privately hel firms,entrepreneurial finance,capital bugeting,an structure.

Prerequisite: FIN 500 or equivalent; full amission to a grauate program in the Miller College of Business.

650 Investment Management (3)Introuction to investments,securities markets,transactions in stocks an bons,market efficiency,risk,utility,portfolio theory,valuation an analysis,options,an futures markets.

Prerequisite: FIN 500 or equivalent; full amission to a grauate program in the Miller College of Business.

Open only to Miller College of Business stuents or by permission of the Miller College of Business irector of grauate programs.

680 Global Financial Policy (3)Capstone examination of the financial management of the global firm. Emphasizes the firm’s strategic use of market imperfections when operating in a risky international environment. Explores how exchange rate management as another imension to managing the global firm an creates profit opportunities.

Prerequisite: FIN 500 or equivalent; full amission to a grauate program in the Miller College of Business.

Open only to Miller College of Business stuents or by permission of the Miller College of Business irector of grauate programs.

697 Inepenent Stuy in Finance (1-6)Designe for acaemically qualifie stuents who wish to stuy some phase of finance. An intensive iniviualize program of reaing,research,or analysis of various finance topics uner the guiance of a faculty member.

Prerequisite: permission of the epartment chairperson an full amission to a grauate program of the university.

A total of 6 creits may be earne.

Open only to Miller College of Business stuents or by permission of the Miller College of Business irector of grauate programs.


570 Risk Management an Insurance (3)Examination of business an iniviual risk management an insurance,risk financing techniques,enterprise risk management,an aitional relate topics.

Prerequisite: full amission to a grauate or certification program of the university or permission of the epartment chairperson.

597 Inepenent Stuy in Insurance (1-6)For acaemically qualifie stuents: stuy of some selecte phase of insurance. An intensive iniviualize program of reaing,research,or analysis of various insurance topics uner the guiance of a faculty member.

Prerequisite: permission of the epartment chairperson. A total of 6 creits may be earne.

  • Economics


PREFIX           NO     SHORT TITLE                                         CREDITS

ECON              662         Health an Economics (3) 


MBA                 651         Economic Analysis for Managers (3)


NUR ECON       662         Hlth Care Bus an Econ (3)                     3

                    683         Health Economic Analysis                       3

                    693         Health Economics an Policy                  3

Electives,3 creits from

BL                     665       Law,Ethics,Pub Pol an Bus (3)

MGT                  661       Human Resources Management (3)

MKG                 505        Survey of Marketing (3)

NUR                  642       Amin Mgt for Nurses (3)

                    643       Financial Management Nurses (3)

RMI                   570       Risk Management an Insurance (3)        3




  • 鲍尔州立大学
