剑桥 教育...
1.艺术,创造力和教育硕士 Arts,Creativity an Eucation
2.儿童文学的批判方法 Critical Approaches to Chilren ’ s Literature
3.教育,全球化和国际发展理学硕士 Eucation,Globalisation an International Development
4.教育领导和学校发展进步学 Eucational Leaership an School Improve
5.教育研究硕士 Eucational Research
6.心理学与教育硕士 Psychology an Eucation
7.第二语言教育研究硕士 Research in Secon Language Eucation
艺术,创造力和教育硕士 MPhil Arts,Creativity an Eucation
第 1单元:社会艺术 Moule 1: Arts in Society
第 2单元:艺术,创造力和教育 Moule 2: The Arts,Creativity an Eucation
第 3单元:艺术,艺术家和合作伙伴关系 Moule 3: The Arts,Artists an Collaborative Partnerships
第 4单元:教与学的艺术 Moule 4: The Arts in Teaching an Learning
最低要求至少要是 2:1的本科学位,建议均分88-90+。
We welcome applications from caniates of all backgrouns meaning every year we have a cohort of stuents with a great variety of experiences. You o not nee to have teaching experience to join the Psychology an Eucation course.
The minimum requirements are a 2:1 (or foreign equivalent) Unergrauate Degree,goo comman of written an spoken English an a emonstrate interest in Psychology an Eucation. Your eligibility to unertake a full- or part-time Masters in the Faculty of Eucation at Cambrige is etermine by our University’ s Boar of Grauate Stuies. More etails can be foun on the Masters entry requirements page.
重点:申请者应写一篇 1000字的论文ESSAY
What is your specific commitment to the arts in terms of your own creativity,the arts
omains you are intereste in or work in,an the specific arts communities that you
belong to?
2. 在教育方面,您最感兴趣的是什么?你做了什么教学,在什么背景下你和学习者一起工作过,特别是在艺术方面吗?
What is your interest in eucation? What teaching have you one an in what context have you worke with learners,particularly in the arts?
3.您的研究兴趣是什么?你完成了艺术相关的任何项目吗?你熟悉哪些文学作品? What are your research interests? Have you complete any projects in the arts an what literature are you familiar with?
4.您的陈述应包含对学术参考文献且与您对这些问题的回答相关。Your statement shoul ieally inclue some reference to acaemic writing/writers in any fiel/s relevant to your response to these questions.
5.如果您有学术写作的样本,建议提交以帮助您的申请。If you have a sample of acaemic writing you woul like to submit in orer to support your application,please o so.
剑桥 教育...
本科阶段课程有Bachelor of Arts文学学士(3年学制)...
墨尔本大学教育系是澳洲最古老的教育系,自2010年起正式改为Melbourne Grauate School of Eucation,不再开设本科教育课程。主要课程分为Master of Eucation(针对已经是教育学本科的学生或已从事教师职业的...