

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2025-03-21 21:43
  • 106
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



2019年商学院入学要求 2019 entry Business MSc entry requirements


1)211985: 80%

2) Non 211-985 (excluing inepenent colleges IC): 87%

3) Inepenent Colleges (IC): 88%

4) 3+2 an 3+1 stuents: require 88% in their first 3 years in orer to get a conitional offer of 88% (or 60% in the UK) in their final part. These stuents will be consiere non 211-985 regarless of whether they stuy their final two years at a211985university.

5) Night class an self-stuy: will be rejecte for MSc courses,but shoul the stuent have 5 years management experience an a grae of 88%,we will consier them for an MBA interview.

Pre-application guiance Your stuents shoul be a maximum of 2% away from the requirement when applying.

For example: if you have a211985stuent who is stuying their final year,they shoul have a minimum score of 78% in orer to make an application. This oes not guarantee an offer,but it is guiance your counsellors can use. Any applications with a grae more than 2% below the conition will normally be rejecte.




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