中国中心招贤纳士 We Want You!...
UNSW| 招募才人贤士
重大消息!奔走相告!! UNSW 中国中心(上海)虚席以待招贤纳士啦!!!
新南威尔士大学位于上海杨浦区长阳创谷的中国中心正式开幕于 2018 年 6 月 29 日。开幕当天可谓是“锣鼓喧天~鞭炮齐鸣~红旗招展~人山人海”,更多了解中国中心的开幕盛况请猛戳 UNSW 中国中心盛大开幕!
作为 UNSW 在中国的大本营,中国中心全面负责学校在中国的一些重要业务发展,包括支持国际学生申请,促进学术交流和科研合作。并与中澳两国企业以及跨国企业合作,为我们的学生创造实践所学、在中国就地实习的机会。
about the Future Stuents Manager - Mainlan China:
The Future Stuents Manager-Mainlan China is responsible for eveloping an implementing strategies an initiatives aime at attracting an converting full egree an non-awar program stuents from mainlan China,organizing recruitment events an eveloping relationships with key stakeholers.
Develop plans to implement the international stuent recruitment initiatives an projects to achieve annual targets,ensure quality an alignment to strategic an tactical plans,in consultation with China Country Director an the Global Partnerships team in Syney.
Manage,lea an evelop a team of China base recruitment colleagues,proviing expert avice an irection.
Working closely with the China Country Director,manage high-profile stuent recruitment relationships incluing eucation agents,schools,articulation partners an license Founation Stuies campuses.
Collaborate with the UNSW Global in country an onshore recruitment teams to ensure a strong alignment between pathways recruitment an the university’s wier stuent recruitment strategy.
Ientify,evelop an implement innovative international stuent recruitment projects an events to rive lea generation an conversion through to enrolment.
Oversee the management of information collecte on stuents,channel partners etc. to ensure ata integrity in the CRM.
Consult with stakeholers across UNSW to ientify priorities to evelop an eliver on high profile strategic initiatives for international stuent recruitment within China.
Ientify,analyse an implement solutions aime at mitigating an managing the risks an issues associate with international stuent recruitment initiative an projects an recommen solutions to stakeholers.
Develop an provie reports on the market an regional activities an performance as require.
Liaise with the Global Profile an Reputation an Future Stuent Experience teams to ensure regional stuent recruitment campaigns are supporte an execute,an appropriate conversion campaigns are initiate.
Develop an maintain strong link of communication an planning with the Syney base FSR team.
Implement the UNSW Health an Safety Management System within your area of responsibility.
Any other commensurate uties as reasonably irecte from time to time.
Selection Criteria:
To be successful in this role you will have:
A relevant tertiary qualification an substantial experience or an equivalent level of knowlege gaine through any combination of eucation,training an experience with international stuent recruitment.
Knowlege of core marketing an recruitment functions,frameworks,moels an approaches,with emphasis on eucation agent management,schools an thir-party stakeholer engagement an evelopment.
Demonstrate success implementing international stuent recruitment campaigns,programs an initiatives.
Proven unerstaning of the en-to-en prospective international stuent journey.
Demonstrate ability to implement successful strategies,which buil an maintain stakeholer relationships.
Effective people management skills.
Superior written an verbal communication skills in both English an Chinese with the proven ability to influence an negotiate with stakeholers to achieve successful outcomes.
Ability an capacity to implement require UNSW health an safety policies an proceures.
Evience of translation an interpreting skills evelope through work an/or eucation experience.
Willingness to travel both omestically an internationally,an to work outsie normal hours to atten social functions an other activities involving stuents an international visitors.
about the China Bran an Reputation Officer:
The China Bran an Reputation Coorinator is a newly create position which will provie high-level oversight an coorination of UNSW’s Reputation Action Plan (RAP) in the China market. The role is responsible for planning,eveloping an overseeing the activity which will assist in raising the profile an reputation of UNSW in China with a focus on the acaemic auience.
Ientifying an procuring partnership opportunities for UNSW at conferences,summits,rountables an events with influential thir parties in China.
Securing speaking slots for UNSW acaemic an professional staff at influential Chinese conferences,symposiums an events particularly in fiels which both resonate in China an where UNSW has a competitive avantage e.g. quantum,photovoltaic,material science,etc.
Developing event programs,incluing any associate partnerships an projects.
Implementing China-specific campaign activity,incluing working with creative,igital an meia buying agencies as require.
Coorinating avertising with ranking agencies for China campaigns,incluing ientifying relevant talent such as alumni.
Supporting UNSW acaemic an professional staff as speakers at Chinese conferences an events.
Monitoring,evaluation an reporting of these activities in relation to their KPIs.
Hosting,co-hosting or inviting Chinese elegates to atten fam trips,conferences an events such as Times Higher Eucation (THE) ‘Research Excellence: Asia Pacific’ Summit at UNSW in February/March 2019.
Builing strong relationships with internal an external stakeholers.
This position will work collaboratively with colleagues in the newly create China Centre an colleagues in the Syney-base Corporate Communications Team an other internal stakeholers.
Selection Criteria:
To be successful in this role you will have:
Excellent interpersonal an communication skills an emonstrate ability to buil an sustain effective collaborative professional relationships an partnerships.
Demonstrate experience of working in a tertiary eucation or similar environment an working collaboratively with acaemic an professional staff.
Tertiary qualifications in a relevant iscipline with substantial proven experience in managing a program of events or an equivalent level of knowlege gaine through any combination of eucation,training an experience.
Hanle sensitive information confientially an iscreetly.
Fluent in Manarin Chinese an English.
Translation an Interpretation skills.
求职信,信中需对我们的评选标准(selection criteria)予以解答
中国中心招贤纳士 We Want You!...
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