

  • 留学二三事
  • 2025-03-04 21:20
  • 47
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





专业: Management an Finance MA 金融管理




Compulsory moules:

Research Methos:This moule evelops knowlege of intermeiate an avance research methos,an provies a basis in research methoology for those who may eventually wish to pursue research egrees.

Organisations an People: This moule examines key issues arising from contemporary research in organisational behaviour (OB) an human resource management (HRM). It provies an integrate analysis of management,organisations an people,eveloping the conceptual,strategic an practical skills necessary for managers in complex,global organisational contexts.

International Strategic Management: This moule analyses strategic ecision-making within business. You will evelop a critical unerstaning of the strategic processes of business management,the interconnections with the functional omains of marketing,human resource management an corporate finance,an the management of knowlege systems.

International Financial Markets: This moule provies an overview of financial instruments in a multi-currency worl,taking account of insights from portfolio theory concerning the relationship between risk an return,the iversification of risk,an the pricing of assets.

International Financial Management: In this moule the financial management of multinational companies an the influence of macroeconomic,fiscal,currency an political environments on business an financial ecision-making are examine in an international an global context.

New Venture Creation: This moule examines the avantages an isavantages of the various routes to business start-up,incluing new venture creation,or establishing a business base on your own expertise,experience an ieas; buying an establishe business; purchasing a franchise; an succession through a family firm,an increasingly common way of becoming involve in entrepreneurial activity.

Optional moule (choose 2):

Islamic Finance: This moule provies an insight into topical issues relating to Islamic financial instruments an relate risk management issues. The first part of the moule examines issues relating to financial contracting,instruments an various intermeiation issues. The secon part focuses on the role of the capital market in proviing Islamic financing,an highlights financial engineering an risk management features of this type of business.

Knowlege Management: This moule examines the processes whereby organisations an iniviuals evelop an utilise their knowlege bases. Successful knowlege management hinges on people,culture an technology. As such it has professional an acaemic links with organisational behaviour an organisational learning.

Contemporary Issues in Management: This moule evelops several theories an concepts in contemporary management theory an practice. It provies a etaile an critical analysis of management,further eveloping the conceptual,strategic an practical skills necessary for managers in complex,global organisational contexts.

Financial Analysis: This moule analyses the techniques that are use to evaluate a company ’ s financial position an performance. You will examine the principles unerlying inter-firm comparison (comparing the performance of one firm with another) an tren analysis (comparing the performance of the same firm over ifferent perios).

Investment Strategy an Portfolio Management: This moule evaluates the evelopment of investment strategies for bons,equities an erivatives that are esigne to achieve optimal risk-return outcomes,an examines the measurement an evaluation of the performance of a portfolio of investments.

Public Sector Management: This moule ientifies the istinctive characteristics of the public sector in a competitive market-riven environment. Organisational forms in the public sector are reviewe,in the light of the changing culture of public services,competition,best value an public expectations.

Behavioural Finance: This moule provies in-epth coverage of behavioural finance,which replaces the “rationality” assumption with behavioural biases that have been ocumente by psychologists.


Entry to the MA/Diploma Management an Finance course requires a 2(ii) first egree from a university,or a similar qualification from any other institution. Alternatively,possession of a suitable professional qualification an relevant practical experience may also be accepte. In general,however,applicants are juge on their iniviual merits an age,work experience an other factors are also consiere. Bangor University also offers International Incorporate Masters Degrees for International stuents whose acaemic creentials are ifferent from those outline above. The first year is stuie at the Bangor International College,an embee College on our University campus an elivere by Oxfor International Eucation Group.

IELTS: 6.0 (with no element below 5.5)




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