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Business analytics is concerne with the fast-growing areas of online analytics,customer analytics,an business intelligence. It involves extracting,summarising an applying information from rich ata sets reaily available in toay’s business environment to enable better ecision making base on quantitative information an moels.商务 分析涉及在线分析,客户分析和商业智能等快速增长的领域。它涉及从当今商业环境中随时可用的丰富数据集中提取,总结和应用信息,以便基于定量信息和模型做出更好的决策。

Our Business Analytics major has an applie focus. You will eal with actual business ata an use tools to take a structure approach to problem-solving an optimal ecision making. You will learn to analyse business ata accurately an scientifically to provie real,practical insights.我们的商业分析专业有一个应用的重点。您将处理实际的业务数据并使用工具来采取结构化的方法来解决问题和优化决策。您将学习准确,科学地分析业务数据,以提供真实,实用的见解。

We offer a range of subject options to suit all interests,whether you want to learn ata-analysis skills for business moelling an ecision making or have a general interest in how businesses can analyse their operations. These skills will also enhance an complement your employability when combine with other business majors.


Businesses toay are rowning in ata an information. With a current shortage of expert quantitative analysts,your skills will be in high eman. 今天的企业正在淹没数据和信息。鉴于目前专家量化分析人员短缺,您的技能将是高需求。

about this major 专业课程:

The major in Business Analytics requires the completion of 48 creit points in units of stuy,as follows:业务分析专业要求以研究为单位完成 48 个学分,具体如下: (1) two 1000-level core units of stuy (12 creit points)两个 1000 个核心单位的学习( 12 个学分)

Founations of Business Analytics •业务分析的基础

Quantitative Business Analysis. * •定量业务分析。*

(2) three 2000-level core units of stuy (18 creit points):三个 2000 级核心单元学习( 18 学分):

Management Science •管理科学

Preictive Analytics •预测分析

Statistical Moelling for Business •业务统计建模

(3) one 6 creit points of 3000-level core units of stuy:3000 个核心单元学习 6 学分:

Business Analytics in Practice.业务分析实践。

(4) two 3000-level selective units of stuy (12 creit points) selecte from the following options:从以下选项中选择两个 3000 级选择性学习单元( 12 个学分):

Avance Analytics 高级分析

Avance Management Science 高级管理科学

Choice Moelling 选择建模

Machine Learning an Data Mining 机器学习和数据挖掘

Methos of Decision Analysis 决策分析的方法

Operations Management 运营管理

Project Planning an Management 项目计划和管理

Supply Chain Management 供应链管理

Time Series an Forecasting.时间序列和预测

CORE核心课程:Avance Analytics QBUS3830高级分析 QBUS3830

&miot;Avance Management Science QBUS3310 高级管理科学 QBUS3310

&miot;Business Analytics in Practice QBUS3600 业务分析实践

&miot;Choice Moelling QBUS3840 选择建模

&miot;Founations of Business Analytics QBUS1040 业务分析基础

&miot;Machine Learning an Data Mining QBUS3820 机器学习和数据挖掘

&miot;Management Science QBUS2310 •管理科学

&miot;Methos of Decision Analysis QBUS3330 决策分析方法

&miot;Operations Management QBUS3340 运营管理

&miot;Preictive Analytics QBUS2820 预测分析

&miot;Project Planning an Management QBUS3350 项目规划和管理

&miot;Quantitative Business Analysis BUSS1020 定量业务分析

&miot;Statistical Moelling for Business QBUS2810 业务 QBUS2810 的统计建模

&miot;Supply Chain Management QBUS3320 供应链管理




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    悉尼大学本科学长,分享他对商科专业,Acct,Finc,Qbus,Infs, Claw,Ibus,这些科目的经验之谈。想知道商业分析专业学习内容,大学期间学习要注意什么,看完之后你会知道。...


