圣路易斯华盛顿大学共有四个校区,分别是:丹佛斯校区(Danforth Campus)、西校区、北校区、医学院校区、泰森校区(Tyson);
• (一)Global Master of Finance (GMF) – a grauate-level program,with courses complete at Washington University an one of our five partner institutions. Each option inclues immersions in New York City an Washington D.C.
• (二)Master of Science in Finance (MSF) – the option of a 11- or 18-month grauate program that prepares stuents for avance entry-level career opportunities in financial services an corporate financial management.
The Master of Science in Finance (MSF) is a rigorous an comprehensive grauate program that offers in-epth training in securities research,asset management,erivative pricing,an fixe income for stuents pursuing specialize finance careers.
• 1、Corporate Finance & Investments (MSFC) 企业金融与投资track is 11-months long an inclues a significant amount of course work alongsie finance-oriente MBA stuents.
Intereste in corporate finance,treasury,or corporate evelopment careers in both the financial an nonfinancial inustries? The MSF Corporate Finance an Investments track (MSFC) prepares you for successful careers in these areas an more. The program features:
Consulting projects with financial an nonfinancial firms
Research with the Wells Fargo Avisors Center for Finance an Accounting Research (WFA-CFAR)
Access to notable speakers,Olin alumni,an inustry professionals at WFA-CFAR’s annual Corporate Finance Conference
This three-semester program starts in early summer,with stuents grauating the following May for a total of 11 months.
What You’ll Stuy
No matter which finance track you choose,your coursework will cover valuation,portfolio theory,erivative securities,an financial statement analysis.
The MSFC will give you a eeper ive into financial markets,financial scenarios moeling,an raising capital. Some courses specific to this track inclue:您的课程将涵盖估值,投资组合理论,衍生证券和财务报表分析。
• Investment Theory投资理论
• Financial Markets金融市场
• Economics of the Organization本组织经济学
• Money,Capital Markets,an Economic Growth金钱,资本市场和经济增长
• Venture Capital an Private Equity风险投资和私募股权
Your Career
When you grauate with a MSFC from WashU,you’ll be career-reay. In fact,100% of our MSFC stuents seeking employment accepte a job within three months after grauation in 2016,with an average annual salary of $65,000. 我们的MSFC求职者中有100%是在2016年毕业后的三个月内接受工作,平均年薪为65,000美元。Grauates typically fin analyst an specialist jobs in:
• Capital markets/research资本市场/研究
• Financial analysis财务分析
• Private equity私人产权
• Commercial banking商业银行
• Consulting咨询
• 2、Wealth an Asset Management (MSFWAM) 财富与资产管理track is 11 months long an inclues many classes with MBA stuents as well as access to WAM events with area companies.
• Want to work in the fiel of wealth an asset management or with iniviuals,institutions,an the firms that provie proucts an services to them? Our newest MSF track—Wealth an Asset Management (MSFWAM)—is esigne for this growing inustry. The program features:
Consulting projects with financial firms relate to wealth an asset management
Guest lectures,mentoring,curriculum support,mock interviews,research iscussions,ata,an more through the WFA-CFAR Network Partners
Access to notable speakers,Olin alumni,an inustry professionals at the WFA-CFAR Wealth an Asset Management Research Conference
Inustry insights at WAM events,incluing the Buckingham Conference,Mercer Conference,an more
• This three-semester program starts in early summer,with stuents grauating the following May for a total of 11 months.
• What You’ll Stuy
No matter which finance track you choose,your coursework will cover valuation,portfolio theory,erivative securities,an financial statement analysis.
The MSFWAM focuses on financial markets an portfolio construction,financial scenarios moeling,an the unerstaning an interpretation of financial plans,market ratios,an investment ratings. 专注于金融市场和投资组合建设,财务情景建模,财务计划,市场比率和投资评级的理解和解释。Some courses specific to this track inclue:
• Wealth Management Practice财富管理实践
• Behavioral Finance行为金融
• Hege Fun Strategies对冲基金策略
• Enowments,Founations,an Philanthropy捐赠,基金会和慈善事业
• After Grauation
When you grauate with a MSFWAM from WashU,you’ll be career-reay. Grauates are well prepare for roles in:
• Asset management资产管理
• Private wealth management私人财富管理
• Investment banking投资银行
• Enowment management捐赠管理
• Asset consulting资产咨询
• Consulting咨询
• 3、Quantitative Finance (MSFQ) 计量金融track is 17-months long an evelops a skill set similar to a Financial Engineering program while still incluing course work in corporate finance,investments an financial markets. Prior computer programming knowlege is helpful,but not require.
• Do you have a strong math backgroun an want to work in financial services an relate inustries? Our MSF Quantitative Finance track (MSFQ) has a more technical focus for stuents like you.
This three-semester,17-month program hols a STEM esignation for its focus on Science,Technology,Engineering,an Mathematics.
• 17个月的课程,以科学,技术,工程和数学为重点的STEM学位。
• What You’ll Stuy
No matter which finance track you choose,your coursework will cover valuation,portfolio theory,erivative securities,an financial statement analysis.
The MSFQ courses will help you evelop a skill set similar to a Financial Engineering program. An,you’ll have the opportunity to work at an internship between your secon an thir semesters. Some courses specific to this track inclue:
• Data Analysis for Investments投资数据分析
• Fixe Income Securities固定收益证券
• Quantitative Risk Management定量风险管理
• Mathematical Finance数学金融
After Grauation
When you grauate with a MSFQ from WashU,you’ll be career-reay. Our grauates typically fin analyst an specialist jobs in:
• Asset management资产管理
• Risk management风险管理
• Capital markets an research资本市场和研究
• 4、Global Master of Finance (GMF) is four- to six-semesters long an pairs the MSF egree with a secon program at one of our partner institutions.
First GMF grauation To meet the eman for next-generation financial expertise,Washington University’s Olin Business School has partnere with five leaing universities aroun the worl. The collaboration creates a singular eucational paraigm: the Global Master of Finance (GMF) program for high-reaching stuents.
All grauates receive a Master of Science in Finance (MSF) egree from Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. 所有毕业生在圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院获得金融科学硕士学位。The Financial Times ranks the MSF program at Olin No. 3 in the Unite States. Complementary curricula an certifications vary by partner institution.
• A worl-class curriculum an top-tier teaching from Olin faculty an the partner-institution faculty
• Training targete to the global marketplace an to your specific marketplace
• Access to both omestic an international professional networks
• Immersion courses in New York an Washington,DC
Learn more about Washington University an the MSF program experience.
Rea about our global partners:
Singapore Management University新加坡管理大学
Yonsei University in South Korea韩国延世大学
IDC Herzliya in IsraelIDC赫尔兹利亚在以色列
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany德国奥托贝斯海姆管理学院
Universitat Pompeu Fabra,Barcelona School of Management in Spain西班牙巴塞罗那管理学院庞培法布拉大学
Our application process REQUIRES the submission of a complete online application. Designe with applicants in min,our system walks you through the require steps,incluing the submission (via uploa) of the following require items:
• One Page Résumé
• Two Require Essays (there is also an Optional Essay)
• Stanarize Test Scores (unofficial)
• Acaemic Transcripts (unofficial)
• English Language Skill Assessment Vieo (for International Applicants only)
• Application Fee
Our application process DOES NOT REQUIRE:
• Letters of Recommenation
MSF Fall 2016 Incoming Class
Track: Corporate Finance & Investments Quantitative
Total number of stuents 34 37
Meian age 24 23
Average GMAT 671 731
Average GPA 3.33 3.68
Female stuents 22% 49%
International stuents 18% 95%
TOEFL 109 107
Application Dealines
Roun: Dealine: Notification on or before:
1 October 3,2016 December 16,2016
2 December 1,2016 January 31,2017
3 February 1,2017* March 22,2017
4 April 3,2017 May 5,2017
You may qualify for a waiver of this requirement if you have taken a minimum of three years of coursework at a college or university where the primary meium of instruction is English an you receive your egree from this institution.
If you are eligible for a waiver,o not submit your TOEFL or IELTS score.
Applicants to the Corporate Finance & Investments an Wealth & Asset Management tracks shoul have taken Calculus I,Statistics,an Microeconomics.公司财务与投资与财富与资产管理追踪的申请人应该采用微积分I,统计和微观经济学。
Successful applicants to the Quantitative Finance track will emonstrate outstaning aptitue for avance quantitative finance materials an a passion for the quantitative aspects of problem-solving. Stuents who have majore in Mathematics,Computer Science,Quantitative Economics,Engineering,Physics,an Statistics are especially encourage to apply to the Quantitative Finance track. Some backgroun in the applications of computing to quantitative problem-solving is especially valuable.
Invitation-only interviews are conucte at the iscretion of the Amissions Committee after the submission of a complete application. Most interviews are conucte via Skype; however,if you are locate close to St. Louis or we are traveling to your city,you may have the option to interview in person. The format of your interview oes not affect the final outcome of your application.
邀请委员会在提交完整申请后,可以由招生委员会决定进行邀请。大多数访谈是通过Skype进行的; 但是,如果您靠近圣路易斯,或者我们正在前往您的城市,您可以选择面试面试。面试的格式不会影响您的申请的最终结果。
机构代码 会计硕士
(MACC) 客户分析科学硕士(MSCA) 金融科学硕士 (MSF)
供应链管理硕士(MSSCM) 全球金融硕士(GMF)
GMAT: R4T-WG-62 R4T-WG-73 R4T-WG-53 R4T-WG-16 R4T-WG-53
GRE: 4937 3764 4938 4929 4938
TOEFL:* 6929
All full-time Specialize Masters Program (SMP) caniates amitte to Olin for fall an spring semester programs are automatically consiere for our merit-base Dean’s Scholarships – there is no separate scholarship application. These awars can cover partial tuition. Our Amissions Committee will review your application to etermine eligibility an notify you of any scholarship awar at the time of amission.
A.圣路易斯的气候特点是四季分明。冬天是轻快的,但一般不严重,1月是最冷的月份(平均高40°F /4◦C,低24°F /-4◦C)。最暖的月份是7月份,平均高达89°F / 32°C。圣路易斯的降雨量高于平均水平,五月份降水最多。
• BSBA:97%的求职者都接受了工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为65,000美元。
• 工商管理硕士:96%的求职者都接受了工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为10万美元
• 会计硕士:96%的求职者接受工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为57,500美元。
• 财务科学硕士 - 定量金融:94%的求职者都接受了工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为72,500美元。
• 金融科学硕士 - 企业金融与投资:100%的求职者都接受了工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为65,000美元。
• 供应链管理科学硕士:94%的求职者接受工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为65,000美元。
• 客户分析科学硕士:97%的求职者都接受了工作(毕业后90天)。中期基薪为65,000美元。
今天我们来说下美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学金融硕士课程辅导,硕士项目开设在Olin商学院之下,下设四个方向,所有方向的学生获得的都是MS in Finance(MSF)学位,关于一些申请和录取情况小编就在这里一笔带过了哈,这些情况中介......
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 金融专业简介...
金融工程(Financial Engineering)是一门结合了金融理论、工程原理、数学工具和程序实践建立的一种金融模型,并进而计算金融收益与风险的一门交叉学科。因此,不同大学开设的专业有不同称谓:数学金融、计算金融等。...