( 一 ) 去英国的学习目的和时间:
1.Why o you want to go to the UK ? /What is your purpose to the UK?/ Are you going to stuy in UK?
2.Which university o you plan to atten ?
3.When are you going to enter UK?
4.How long will you stuy in UK? (How long o you plan to stay in UK ?)
5.What is your name? ate of birth?
( 二 ) 目前的学校,专业,及相关托福、 IELTS 成绩:
1.What ’ s your egree now? An what is your major? (What/where are you stuying NOW? )
2.When will you finish your unergrauate program ?
3.What is your GPA?
4.Are you a top stuent in your school? What’s your ranking?
5.What is your TOEFL or IELTS score ?
( 三 ) 去英国就读的大学,专业及专业方向:
1.What will you stuy in the UK ? /Which egree will you pursue in the UK ?
2.In what aspect of your major will you stuy? What is the ifference between your major now an the major in UK?
3.Why o you choose this major ?( Why i you choose***as your major ?)
4.Why o you change your major? ( 转专业学生 )
5.Do you know which university in UK is the best in your major? What else?
6.Do you have any research experience?
7.How many universities have you applie? How many of them accepte you?Why you choose this university?
8.Start ate an finish ate of this program an contents of this program?
9.How o you know about this university ? (How much o you know about the university? )
10.Will you continue your eucation in the UK after you finish this program? Why or why not? (What is your ultimate acaemic goal?/ what’s your plan after grauation ? )
11.Do you have any friens in the UK?
Do you atten pre sessional course in this university? How many hours in a week? Requirements to continue master programs after finishing presessional course?
14.Where will you live in UK?
what is the job of your parents,annual salary ? Is there any connection between your major an your parents` job?
Do you plan to continue the stuy in UK? What is your career object ? Do you want to work in UK?
同学们在办理英国留学签证的过程中或多或少会遇到一些问题,下面小编针对大家在办理签证的过程中可能出现的问题进行了总结,希望以下内容可以帮助到大家哦!1. 在国内递交签证一定要去户口所在地的签证中心吗?...