

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2025-03-10 19:14
  • 55
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





1,Master of Business B6005

入学要求从 73 分涨到 75 分

备注: 2018 年 6 月 1 日之后递交的所有新申请一律按照新的录取要求审核,所有已经接受 offer 和有效 offer 按照旧的要求保持不变。

2,Master of Applie Finance B6003

从 2019 年第一学期起,Master of Applie Finance 将更名为 Master of Avance Finance,学制从 1.5 年变更为 2 年( 72 学分)

备注:已经接受 offer 和有效 offer 的学生,课程学制依然是 1.5 年不变,但是学生会收到可以更改为 2 年学制的邮件选择。

2018年 5 月 31 日前递交的该课程申请学校将自动默认为 2 年学制,若是学生要求 1.5 年学制也可以提出申请。


Master of Business B6005

The entry requirement for the Master of Business will be increase from 55 WAM (High Pass) to 60 WAM (Creit).

·         All accepte an vali offers will be honoure with the high pass requirement 55 WAM (High Pass).

·         All new applications submitte from 1 st of June 2018 will be assesse base on the new entry requirement of 60 WAM (Creit).

Master of Applie Finance B6003

From Semester 1,2019,Master of Applie Finance will have a name change to Master of Avance Finance as well as a change in the uration of the course from 1.5 years (72 creit points) to 2 years (96 creit points).

·         All accepte an vali offers will be honoure with the 1.5 years uration.

o    Stuents will be sent an email with the option to change into the 2 years uration program if they wish.

Any applications submitte up to the 31 st of May 2018 will be automatically assesse into the 2 years uration. However if a stuent wishes to remain in the 1.5 years uration,a request can be mae for this course。




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