

  • 留学巴士主页
  • 2025-03-06 20:37
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





1,Master of Business B6005

入学要求从 73 分涨到 75 分

备注: 2018 年 6 月 1 日之后递交的所有新申请一律按照新的录取要求审核,所有已经接受 offer 和有效 offer 按照旧的要求保持不变。

2,Master of Applie Finance B6003

从 2019 年第一学期起,Master of Applie Finance 将更名为 Master of Avance Finance,学制从 1.5 年变更为 2 年( 72 学分)

备注:已经接受 offer 和有效 offer 的学生,课程学制依然是 1.5 年不变,但是学生会收到可以更改为 2 年学制的邮件选择。

2018年 5 月 31 日前递交的该课程申请学校将自动默认为 2 年学制,若是学生要求 1.5 年学制也可以提出申请。


**Subject: Upate on Postgrauate Faculty of Business an Economics courses Semester 1 2019


Dear Agent Representatives,

I am writing to avise you that the Faculty of Business an Economics has recently unertaken a review of their course portfolio an as part of this review,the following changes will be implemente from Semester 1,2019 intake onwars.

Master of Business B6005

The entry requirement for the Master of Business will be increase from 55 WAM (High Pass) to 60 WAM (Creit).

·         All accepte an vali offers will be honoure with the high pass requirement 55 WAM (High Pass).

·         All new applications submitte from 1 st of June 2018 will be assesse base on the new entry requirement of 60 WAM (Creit).

Master of Applie Finance B6003

From Semester 1,2019,Master of Applie Finance will have a name change to Master of Avance Finance as well as a change in the uration of the course from 1.5 years (72 creit points) to 2 years (96 creit points).

·         All accepte an vali offers will be honoure with the 1.5 years uration.

o    Stuents will be sent an email with the option to change into the 2 years uration program if they wish.

Any applications submitte up to the 31 st of May 2018 will be automatically assesse into the 2 years uration. However if a stuent wishes to remain in the 1.5 years uration,a request can be mae for this course




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