心理学与神经医学授课型研究生奖学金: King’ s 的心理学和精神病学研究排名世界第二,并且拥有欧洲最大的心理学与精神病学研究中心。King ’ s 的 Institute of Psychiatry,Psychology an Neuroscience ( IoPPN )提供 20 多个授课型 研究生专业:
MSc/PGCert Aiction Stuies
MSc Health Psychology
MSc Mental Health Stuies
MSc Neuroimaging
MSc Neuroscience
MSc Organisational Psychiatry & Psychology
MSc Chil & Aolescent Mental Health
MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry
MSc Clinical Neuroscience
MSc Family Therapy
MSc Forensic Mental Health
PGT 授课型研究生课程国际学生可申请的奖学金:
(1).New 2018 Division of Acaemic Psychiatry Postgrauate Taught Scholarships
5 scholarships at a value of 2,000 each
(2).New 2018 Division of Neuroscience Postgrauate Taught Scholarships
5 scholarships at a value of 2,000 each
(3).The Dean Scholarships
10 scholarships at a value of 1,000 each; 2 scholarships at a value of 5,000 each
(4).Dr Antony Kiman Scholarship in Health Psychology
Available for: Stuents unertaking the Health Psychology MSc The scholarship will be worth 10,000,available as either a cash bursary or a contribution towars tuition fees to one stuent per year.
(5).Continue at King’s: IoPPN scholarships for King ‘ S BSc Psychology stuents.
The IoPPN is elighte to announce 10 new MSc scholarships for our grauating BSc Psychology stuents applying for 2018 entry to one of our IoPPN postgrauate taught programmes.
10 scholarships at a value of 2,000 which will be pai via an internal transfer within the university to offset the course fees.
(6).KCL Psychology Department Scholarships for Overseas Stuents – MSc Health Psychology
4 scholarships at a value of 2,500 each to help with tuition fees
(7).Johnson & Johnson Global Mental Health Scholarship
Up to 4 scholarships,each scholarship will cover full tuition fees,a stipen 16,730 an an allowance of 500.00 for MSc project expenses
伦敦国王学院(Kings College Lonon) ,简称Kings或KCL,伦敦大学的创校学院,世界顶尖的综合研究型大学,享有极高美誉。英国金三角名校,罗素集团成员,SES-5成员。国王学院由英国国王乔治四世建于1829年,同年授予皇家特许状,...
心理学与神经医学授课型研究生奖学金: King’s 的心理学和精神病学研究排名世界第二,并且拥有欧洲最大的心理学与精神病学研究中心。King’s 的 Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology an Neuroscienc...
胡安卡洛斯国王大学(Universia Rey Juan Carlos URJC),是马德里自治大区六所公立大学中最年轻最现代化的一所。下面跟着金吉列留学武老师来看看胡安卡洛斯国王大学奖学金简介吧!...
伦敦国王学院(King's College London),简称King's或KCL,是英格兰第四古老的大学,也是英国久负盛名的公立综合性研究型大学。...