

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-06 17:15
  • 70
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>




High-level questions about you:* Tell me about yourself* Walk me through your resume* How woul your friens/coworkers/supervisor escribe you?* What are your biggest weaknesses?* What are your biggest strengths?Questions about why you want to go to business school an future goals* Why o you think now is the time for you to go back to school?* What o you hope to learn in business school?* What o you think you will contribute that will be unique among your classmates?* Why o you want to come to this school?* Where else are you applying?* Where o you see yourself in 10 years?Questions about specific experiences in your backgrounSAR:situation-action-resultLeaership:* Discuss a time when you successfully supervise a iverse group of people towar a ifficult goal.* Give an example of when you accomplishe something significant that wouln’t have happene if you han’t been there.* Tell me about a situation where you ha to persuae someone to agree with your point of view* Describe a time when you ha to gain upper management’s support for an iea/proposal.* Name a time when you ha to convince someone who in’t report irectly to you to o something they in’t want to o.* Describe a situation in which you ientifie key problems early on in a project an were able to avert a crisis.* Tell me about a time when you le a team to a goal even though the iniviual team members were skeptical that it coul be accomplishe.* Discuss a time when you ha to make an unpopular ecision.Teamwork* Tell me about the toughest group that you ever worke in. what mae it so tough,an how i you hanle it?* Describe a time when you have a conflict with another person in a corporate or school setting.* Tell me about a time when you worke with someone who in’t follow through. What i you o?* How have you ealt with a person who was ifficult to work with?Ethics* Describe an ethical ilemma that you face in your career. How i you resolve it?* Give me an example of when you pushe back against oing something.* What is the harest ecision you have ever ha to make on the job? Outsie of your job?Innovation* Name a time when you evelope a unique an resourceful solution to a problem.* Describe a situation when you ha to make an important ecision without having all of the necessary information at han.* Tell me about a time when you ha to analyze facts quickly,ientify the issues,an evelop an action plan.* Give me an example of when you thought out of the box.* Tell me about a time when you took a smart risk.* Have you ever ha to ben a rule to get your work one more efficiently?Maturity* Tell me about your most spectacular failure. What happene? What i you learn?* What happene,what went wrong,what you learne,an how you applie that lesson in a later situation.* Discuss a time when you in’t succee on the first try.* What is the worst professional ecision you have ever mae?* Tell me about a time when you weren’t very please with your performance.* Describe a situation in which you wish you ha acte ifferently with someone in your group.





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