

  • 留学二三事
  • 2025-03-04 22:19
  • 51
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



澳洲国立大学接受 offer新政


有收到澳大利亚澳国立大学以下专业的 offer的 学生,请顾问老师提醒学生于收到 offer14日之内接受 offer。

因为位置有限,如果学生没有在指定期限内接受 offer,有可能面临专业满位问题。

如不能在要求的时间内接受 offer,可以选择:延期到下一个开学 semester或者 选择同一开学 semester的其他专业

在满足 offer 上所有要求之前,ANU 大学不能接受签字的 acceptance。如接受了条件 offer,在满足 full offer 条件之前不能保证有位置。

1. 语言成绩报告是官方成绩报告,不是email形式的确认或在线成绩报告。

2. 学术材料要彩色扫描原件,所有黑白件必须由ANU认可的agent签字盖章。

3. 如材料原文不是英文件,需要附上有被认可的翻译人提供英文翻译件。

4. 官方材料是完整的,必须要证明已完成了学习的program,毕业证、学位证、完整成绩单。

·         Master of Finance

·         Master of Financial Management

·         Master of Applie Finance

·         Master of Accounting

·         Master of Professional Accounting

·         Master of Actuarial Practice

·         Master of Actuarial Stuies

·        Grauate Certificate of Accounting

原文请见以下: Due to the popularity of this program an to ensure high quality teaching an learning outcomes,places in this program are limite.

As there are a limite number of places available,you will nee to accept your offer within the next 14 calenar ays to guarantee your place. After this ate,whilst there may still be places available in the program,we cannot guarantee that you will be able to accept your offer.

once places in the program have been completely fille an acceptances are close,you will receive a further communication from our office.

If you are unable to accept your offer within this time frame,you may wish to consier some other options:

A.   Request to have your offer eferre to the next available semester.

B.   Nominate an alternate preference to commence in the same semester. Information on alternative ANU programs can be foun on our website at https://programsancourses.anu.eu.au/. A list of programs no longer open for Semester 2 application can be foun at the en of this email.

Please be aware that we are unable to process your acceptance until you have met all conitions of your offer; if you accept the conitional offer we are unable to secure your place until you are eligible for a full offer.

To ensure you have the best chance of securing your place,please check that all ocumentation submitte to meet conitions abies by our requirements:

A.   English test results are copies of the official test score report; not copies of the email confirmation or online results.

B.   Acaemic ocuments are scanne,colour copies of the originals; all black an white ocuments must be certifie by an ANU approve agent.

C.   All ocumentation is provie in the original language with accompanying English translations by a certifie an approve translator.

D.   Acaemic ocuments are final; they must state that you have complete your program an we will usually require a egree certificate accompanying your final transcript.

You may provie your acceptance ocuments at the same time as submitting the ocumentation require to meet the conitions of your offer.




  • 澳洲国立大学offer新政

    澳洲国立大学2018年因为位置有限,如果学生没有在指定期限内接受offer, 有可能面临专业满位问题。...

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