德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),简称UT-Austin),USnews56...
得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas at Austin
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校( ),简称 UT-Austin ),USnews56,成立于 1883 年,是一所世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,是北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会( AAU )的成员,美国最负盛名的 “ 公立常春藤( Public Ivy ) ” 院校之一,是德克萨斯大学系统中的旗舰校区,也是德克萨斯州境内最顶尖的高等学府之一,坐落在德克萨斯州的首府奥斯汀市区,距离市内的州政府总部约一英里。学校现有学生约 51,000 人,教职员工数约 3,000 人( 2014 秋季),为全美单一校园中学生人数中第五大的大学。
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校共设有 18 个学院,提供 135 个专业的学位课程,其中属商科和工程学 以及教育专业最为强势。商学院会计排名第 1,金融排名第 5,市场营销排名第 4,管理学排名第 7。本科生除了可以在 10 个本科商科专业中任选其一之外,还有机会参加专门为 MBA 学生设计的快速商务课程。工程学方面,UT-Austin 所有的本科工程学专业全部至少排名美国 Top20,其中很多属于全美 10 强的行列。在《美国新闻与世界报道》( U.S.News )美国大学排名中,学校的教育学院高居全美第 3,教育心理学,特殊教育专业全美领先。工程学院位列全美第 8,法学院和商学院分别位列全美第 16 和 17。根据上海交大 ARWU 世界大学学术排名,学校位列第 36 位,在工科领域排名全球第 5,在社科领域排名全球第 20,理科排名全球第 28。
专业链接: https://www.gwu.eu/grauate-programs/electrical-engineering
Avancing iscoveries to improve health.
As the link between patients an rug therapy,21st century pharmacists comman a significant responsibility in the health care system — an here at The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Pharmacy,we’ll prepare you to irect the future of the profession. Through our rigorous curriculum an outstaning faculty,we bring cutting-ege research an clinical expertise to the classroom,eucating an training you to be at the forefront of innovation in pharmacy an toassure exemplary care to patients throughout the worl.
作为病人和药物治疗之间的联系,21 世纪的药剂师在医疗保健系统中担负着重要的责任——在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的药房里,我们将为你准备指导这个职业的未来。通过我们严谨的课程和优秀的师资,我们将尖端的研究和临床经验带到课堂上,教育和培训您成为制药创新的前沿,并确保全世界的病人都能得到模范的关怀
Fall 2019 Application Cycle
The University of Texas at Austin will continue to participate in the Early Decision application process for Fall 2018.
Early Decision Application
Opens: July 18,2018
Dealine: September 4,2018
Interview Day: Sunay,October 14,2018 (block this ate on your calenar)
Details an instructions will be provie if you are invite for an Early Decision interview.
For more information on Early Decision,visit the PharmCAS website.
Regular Decision Application
Opens: July 18,2018
Dealine: November 1,2018
Interview Day #1: Saturay,January 26,2019 (block out all three ates on your calenar)
Interview Day #2: Saturay,February 2,2019 (block out all three ates on your calenar)
Interview Day (back-up): Saturay,February 9,2019 (block out all three ates on your calenar)
Details an instructions will be provie if you are invite for a Regular Decision interview.
The Pharm.D. application process requires that you submit both the PharmCAS application AND a UT Austin College of Pharmacy Supplemental Application by the appropriate closing ealine. More information an neee links can be foun on the Texas Two-Step Application Submission Process page.
Minimum Scores
Minimum score requirements may vary epening upon your major an other consierations such as employment as a teaching assistant. The minimum scores consiere acceptable for amission by the Grauate School are:
TOEFL: 79 on the Internet-base test (iBT)
IELTS: An overall ban of 6.5 on the Acaemic Examination
Amission components
Acaemic performance ( 学业成绩 )
PCAT scores ( PCAT 分数 )
Letters of reference (three require) ( 推荐信(三份) )
Communication skills (both oral an written) ( 沟通技巧(口头和书面) )
Knowlege or experience with pharmacy ( 有药学知识或经验 )
Community involvement ( 社区参与 )
Organization experience an leaership ( 组织经验和领导能力 )
Teaching,tutoring an/or mentoring ( 教学、辅导和 / 或指导 )
Research experience ( 研究经验 )
Pharm.D. Curriculum
For the class entering Fall 2016. Note: Syllabi for Pharm.D. courses are available online.
P1 Fall Semester
Pharm Biochem I (3)
Phys & Chem Drugs (3)
Phys & Chem Drugs Lab (1)
Physiology / Pathophysiology I (4)
Me Chem Principles (1)
Basic Pharm Sci Lab (1)
Biopharmaceutics (2)
Intro to Patient Care A (1)
Founations for Professional Development I (2)
— - Total (18 SCH)
P1 Spring Semester
Pharm Biochem II (2)
Physiology / Pathophysiology II (4)
Pharm A I (2)
Pharm A I Lab (1)
Pharmaceutics (3)
Pharmaceutics Lab (1)
Intro to Patient Care B (1)
Founations for Professional Development II (2)
— - Total (16 SCH)
Summer Semester – Time for Early Practice Experience
P2 Fall Semester
Drug Info / Evi Prac (1)
Drug Info / Evi Prac Lab (1)
Pharmacotherapy I (6)
Non-Rx PTher I (2)
Patient Assessment (2)
Healthcare Systems (3)
Prof Comm (2)
Founations for Professional Development III (2)
— - Total (19 SCH)
Health Center Pharmacy (half of the stuents) (1 SCH)
P2 Spring Semester
Intreg Pharmacokinetics (3)
Intreg Pharmacokinetics Lab (1)
Pharmacotherapy II (6)
Ptherapeutics II Lab (1)
Non-Rx Pther II (2)
Interprofessional Ethics (1)
Intro to Clinical Skills Lab (2)
Founations for Professional Development IV (2)
— - Total (18 SCH)
Health Center Pharmacy (half of the stuents) (1 SCH)
P2 Summer Semester
First 6 Week Session: Clinical Skills Institutional (2 week full-time session) (3)
— - Total (3 SCH)
P3 Fall Semester
Pharmacother III (6)
Pharmacother IV (3)
Pharmacother III/IV Lab (1)
IV Amixtures (2)
Clin Skills Community (2)
Founations for Professional Development V (2)
Elective Coursework (2+)
— - Total (18+ SCH)
P3 Spring Semester
Pharmacy Law (2)
Pharmacotherapy of Special Pop (3)
Av Pharmacy Prac Lab (1)
Av. Evi-base Prac (2)
Pharmacoeconomics (3)
Founations for Professional Development VI (2)
Elect Coursework Here (4+)
— - Total (17+ SCH)
P4 Summer Semester
Rotation #1: (6)
P4 Fall Semester
Rotation #2: (6)
Rotation #3: (6)
Rotation #4: (6)
— - Total (18 SCH)
P4 Spring Semester
Rotation #5: (6)
Rotation #6: (6)
Rotation #7: (6)
— - Total (18 SCH)
美国一部 -赵媛琛
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),简称UT-Austin),USnews56...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校又名德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校、德州大学奥斯汀分校,简称UT Austin,创建于1883年,坐落在美丽的德克萨斯...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校在2024年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校位列第32位。...
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校、简称UT Austin,坐落在美丽的德克萨斯州首府奥斯汀市,是一所世界著名大学,在美国有着“公立常春藤”的美誉。...