

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2025-03-05 03:07
  • 46
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





1. The interviewer will say Hi,or Hello to you an introuce herself/himself. Such as:I am Singling. How are you? Nice to meet you. I will recor this interview for theschool. Is that OK for you? Then she may ask you some questions as follows,

2. What is your name? What is your English name? How to spell? How ol are you?Where are you from? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Or woul you like to introuce yourself? Coul you tell me a little about your family?  What is your hobby? /what is your favorite hobby? What will you o in your spare time? What is your favorite movie? Do you like reaing books? What is your favorite book?

3. What ‘ s the name of your school? Can you tell me a little about your school?Which subject o you like best? Or what is your favorite subject/course/class atschool? Why o you like it?

4. Woul you like to watch some English movies an vieos? Do you often reaEnglish books or articles? How long have you been stuying English? Do youpractice your oral English? Does your family speak English? Does anyone in yourhome stuy/Speak English? Can your parents speak English? Your mom or a?

5. How o you escribe your personality? Woul you say best escribe your personality? Do you think you are an outgoing person/boy? How woul you like to escribe your personality?

6. Do you have any friens an relatives (living or stuying) in the US/America?

7. Have you ever travelle to another country beyon China? Have you ever been to America? When? Which city o you like best? Have you travelle to another country without your parents? What is the last trip?

8. Why o you want to stuy in America?  What o you think of the big challenge for you if you come to America? Do you want to enter an America University/college after finish your high school stuy? What is your long term goal? What woul you like to o in future?

9. My school is a religious school. Have you ever stuie religion before? In our school,you have to stuy Bible. Are you OK to take a religious class? /Are you OK to stuy Go class? Do you unerstan what I mean? We will stuy Bible an Jesus Christ.

10.  Do you like a cat an og?  Some of the American host family may have a pet?Cat or og.

11. Do you have any pen an piece of paper? I woul like you to write own the sentence.


12. 结束时候,面试官有可能会说一周左右会出结果,礼貌回复 Thank you.

13.  注:以上这些问题,是可能会问到的问题,一般情况下,面试官会根据你的答案,随机提问,可能就一个话题展开,也问不了太多,也可能会问一些其他问题,这就随机应变,尽量往自己熟悉的词汇或者内容上靠拢,尽量给对方留下一种积向上、好学、好相处、有理想有规划的印象。也可能有些问题你听不太懂,或者听不清,就可以表示疑问,Excuse me?  I can ’ t hear you clearly,woul you like to say it again. /Coul you repeat the questions again? Thank you 一般面试官会慢慢的用最简单的词汇解释一遍。实在回答不出来面试官就会转到下一个话题,不会为难你,也不用多想,接下来回答下一个问题就行,就像和朋友闲聊一样。保持良好的互动就好,面带微笑,可以微微点头表同意或者理解。时间很快就过去哈




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