

  • 留学小助手
  • 2025-03-29 14:03
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





School of Business 商学院

Bachelor of Accountancy an Finance 会计与金融

Bachelor of Avertising an Marketing 广告与营销

Bachelor of Business an Management 商务与管理

Bachelor of Business an Finance 商务与金融

Bachelor of Business an Marketing 商务与市场营销

Bachelor of Business Stuies 商务研究

Bachelor of Event Management 会展管理

Bachelor of International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理

Bachelor of International Business Management 国际商务管理

Bachelor of Marketing 市场营销

School of English & Journalism 文学院

Bachelor of English 英语文学

Bachelor of Journalism 新闻学

Bachelor of Journalism ( Investigative) 新闻学(调查)

Bachelor of Journalism an Public Relations 新闻学与公共关系

School of Film & Meia 电影传媒学院

Bachelor of Animation 动漫学

Bachelor of Auio Prouction 音频制作

Bachelor of Creative Avertising 创意广告

Bachelor of Contemporary Lens Meia ( Photograph an Vieo) 现代镜头设计(图片与录像)

Bachelor of Drama 戏剧学

Bachelor of Fashion Design 时尚设计

Bachelor of Film an Television 影视学

Bachelor of Graphic Design 图像设计

Bachelor of Interactive Design 交互设计学

Bachelor of Meia Prouction 媒体制作

Bachelor of Prouct Design 生产设计

School of Computer Science 计算机学院

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems 计算机信息系统

Bachelor of Computer Science 计算机科学

Bachelor of Games Computing 电脑游戏

Bachelor of Social Computing 社会计算学

School of Engineering 工程学院

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 电子工程

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 机械工程

School of Architecture & Design 建筑设计学院

Bachelor of Architecture 建筑学

Bachelor of Interior Architecture an Design 室内建筑和设计

School of Chemistry 化学学院

Bachelor of Biochemistry 生物化学

Bachelor of Biology 生物学

Bachelor of Biomeical Science 生物医学

Bachelor of Bioveterinary Science 生物兽医学

Bachelor of Chemistry 化学

Bachelor of Forensic Chemistry 法律化学

School of Fine & Performing Arts美术与表演艺术学院

Bachelor of Dance 舞蹈学

Bachelor of Fine Art 美术学

Bachelor of Illustration 插画

School of History & Heritage历史与文化遗产学院

Bachelor of Conservation an Restoration 保存与修复

Bachelor of History 史学

Bachelor of Design for Exhibition an Museums 展览设计与博物馆设计

School of Life Sciences 生命科学学院

Bachelor of Nursing (Ault) 护理学(成人)

Bachelor of Nursing (Mental Health) 护理学(心理健康)

School of Mathematics & Physics 数理学院

Bachelor of Mathematics 数学

School of Pharmacy 药剂学院

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science 药物科学

Bachelor of Pharmacy 药剂学

National Centre of Foo Manufacturing食品制造中心

Bachelor of Foo Manufacture ( Operations Management) 食品制作(运营管理)

Bachelor of Foo Manufacture ( Quality Assurance an Technical Management) 食品制作(质量保证和技术管理)

School of Health an Social Care健康与社会保健学院

Bachelor of Health an Social Care 健康与社会保健

Lincoln Law School 法学院

Bachelor of Criminology 犯罪学

Bachelor of Criminology an International Relations 犯罪学与国际关系

Bachelor of Criminology an Politics 犯罪学与政治学

Bachelor of Criminology an Social Policy 犯罪学与社会政策

Bachelor of Criminology an Sociology 犯罪学与社会学

Bachelor of Forensic Science 法医学

Bachelor of Law 法律学

Bachelor of Law an Criminology 法律与犯罪学

School of Psychology 心理学学院

Bachelor of Psychology 心理学

Bachelor of Psychology with Clinical Psychology 心理学和临床心理学

Bachelor of Psychology with Forensic Psychology 心理学和犯罪心理学

School of Social & Political Sciences社会政治科学学院

Bachelor of International Relations 国际关系学

Bachelor of International Relations an Politics 国际关系与政治学

Bachelor of International Relations an Social Policy 国际关系与社会政策

Bachelor of International Relations an Sociology 国际关系与社会学

Bachelor of Politics 政治学

Bachelor of Politics an Social Policy 政治学与社会政策

Bachelor of Politics an Sociology 政治学与社会学

Bachelor of Public Relations 公共关系学

Bachelor of Social Policy 社会政策学

Bachelor of Social Work 社会工作

Bachelor of Sociology 社会学

Bachelor of Sociology an Social Policy 社会学与社会政策

School of Sport an Exercise Science运动与锻炼科学学院

Bachelor of Physical Activity an Health Development 锻炼与健康发展

Bachelor of Sport an Exercise Science 运动与锻炼科学

Bachelor of Sport Development an Coaching 运动发展与培养






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