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  • 2025-03-03 10:24
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






曾担任过耶鲁大学本科部的招生官 EVA OSTRUM 对这一点也有深有体会的,她自己就曾替一个 SAT 分数不高,但文书写得很好的学生争取到了录取机会。


问:学生在写申请 Essay 时最常犯的错误有哪些 ?

答:有些大学会要求学生写崇拜的偶像,比如 “ 如果有机会,你最想和谁一起吃个饭 ?”,在写这样的题材时,学生经常犯的错误是『本末倒置』。他们花了大量篇幅写自己的偶像,却没有怎样介绍自己。我的建议是,从你自身优点写。你崇拜这个人,你怎样受 ta 影响 ? 以我为例,我最崇拜的人是前南非总统 nelson Manela,我每天都要读一句他的激励人心的语录。有一天,一个小男孩问我,“ 姐姐,你是哪个名人吧 ?”


另一个普遍的错误是,学生往往认为必须写一些使自己看起来和别人不同的东西。当你和其他几万学生一起竞争申请某一顶尖名校时,仅靠突出活动本身作用不大。你做过的活动,招生官在别的学生那里同样也可以看到。所以,把焦点放在某事 “ 造就了你 ” 方面,而不是 “ 某事 ” 方面。这才是招生官真正想知道的。你怎么通过活动或事件展示自己,这才是文书关键。

问:你们如何判断学生的 Essay 是否真实 ?

答:看他们的 SAT 阅读分数。如果他们的 SAT 阅读和写作分数都不高,而 essay 好得就如同出自大学教授之手或者 essay 透露的成熟度和高中生形象不符,你都可以看到一些端倪。有了一定的经济基础,学生找机构指导可以理解。别人都去找,你不找,你就处于弱势了。但记住,找人指导文书时,他给你提建议怎么修改,可以;若他一句一句给你改好了,不可以。

:有没有一两篇优秀的文书令你印象深刻?什么令你记得这么牢固 ?








问:essay 有多重要 ?

答:在我审阅的材料中,文书至少对一个学生是非常重要的。我对这个学生产生浓厚的兴趣就是因为他的文书,我希望他来耶鲁,我觉得他会给耶鲁贡献很多。但是他的 SAT 分数不高。耶鲁的竞争如此之强,你稍微哪一点薄弱都可能与耶鲁无缘。我为这个学生争取到了录取的机会。不过,他也仅仅是靠文书赢得 offer 的。他老师也非常喜欢他,认为他以 SAT 低分申请不得不面对很大的风险,不过他依然放手一搏,走出这一步了。文书、老师和课堂,在显示学生特质的时候一定是有些共通之处的。

:有没有哪些你想在学生文书中找寻的东西,学生若知道你们要的是这些可能会很惊讶的 ?

: 我认为学生如果知道招生官不是想在文书中找什么奇异奇特会感到惊讶。你用的例子越具体,你就越能细节描述故事,效果也越好。好的文书能展示学生。招生官读文书,脑海里就能构思出你具有怎样的性格,是个怎样的学生。这就好比你和招生官在交谈。这应该不难理解。

最后,附一篇耶鲁大学 Essay 范文,作者为 Alexaner Dominitz,题材类型为 The Arts。

&lquo;Please turn off all cell phones an pagers. Thank you,an enjoy the show.&rquo; As the echo of my voice subsie,I seize the walkie-talkie that lay resting on the stool an raise it to my mouth. &lquo;Justin,&rquo; I whispere,&lquo;kill the lights.&rquo; I ha just enough time to no to the soun crew,signaling them to start the overture,before the stage went completely black. As Menelssohn boome from the speakers,my fingers fumble aroun in the ark until fining the curtain chor. I began to pull ownwar,han-over-han,until the curtain reveale the court of the Duke of Athens. Kelsey’s voice soune from stage right: &lquo;Now,fair Hippolyta,our nuptial hour raws on apace…&rquo;

Breathe. As I leane against the stage oor,the journey that ha brought me to this moment replaye in my memory: months of planning with the school’s aministration—outlining goals an creating scheules; hours of meeting with the faculty—enlisting the art epartment to buil sets an begging English teachers to postpone projects; weeks of rehearsals,preparing the kis for the rigors of &lquo;opening night&rquo;; even the vieo that I wrote an filme over a marathon-like weeken in orer to avertise the eneavor. An finally…all my pessimistic friens who challenge my excitement with their isbelief: &lquo;Junior high school stuents? Shakespeare?&rquo; Then I thought,&lquo;But just look at them now!&rquo; Nina projects on stage—the smallness of her voice ceases to inhibit her performance. Chris watches his blocking—his awkwar stance a istant memory. Amber now gestures with purpose—gone are the nervous habits that once characterize each movement. Garret knows every single line by heart—no longer will I be making the 10 p.m. house calls to help him memorize. But what about Brian? Little Brian…. I just on’t know. Always so quiet an shy…have I reache him?

The Menelssohn soune again: time for intermission. I resume my scurrying,taking own trees an bringing on columns,fixing loosene safety pins,freshening up fae makeup,an answering questions from the crew: &lquo;When o you want the spotlight in 4:1?&rquo; &lquo;What about the throne an the benches?&rquo; &lquo;Have you seen my onkey ears?&rquo; Suenly,I felt a tug at the leg of my jeans. I turne aroun,an there was Brian,looking up at me with roun,brown,hopeful eyes. In his usually timi voice,I hear a tone of etermination. &lquo;Was that goo? What can I o better for the next act?&rquo; I hugge him,reassure him,sent him to his entrance place,an rushe behin a curtain before anyone coul see my tears of joy.

En of Act 5. As the lights came up for the curtain call,the auience rose in staning ovation. The faculty avisor tappe me on the shouler. &lquo;It’s your turn…get out there!&rquo; I looke out at the stage apron from my post at the curtain,smile,an shook my hea. &lquo;No,&rquo; I sai. &lquo;This is their moment.&rquo;

They finishe their bows,an as the curtain close,all twentyfive seventh an eighth graers jumpe up an own shouting,&lquo;We i it! We i it!&rquo; Hugs,laughter,an tears gushe from everyone—actors,technicians,an stagehans alike. I just stoo there an watche,not aring to isrupt the spectacle,for I was witnessing the burst of elation that only those who have just create something beautiful can know. This was my bow. I i not nee the auience’s reaction to gauge the impact. I coul see the results for myself. I can teach. I can inspire. I can touch lives. That’s all that matters.

Alexaner Dominitz attens Yale University.


This essay requires a little backgroun. The author,Alexaner Dominitz,irecte a play at a local elementary school. The reaer can figure out the context as the essay goes forwar,but the author relies on the rest of his application to fill in nuts an bolts information (such as the fact that the prouction was his iea,an that he convince the principal at the elementary school to enorse it). Note the skillful pacing. The essay covers the length of the show,an Alexaner uses igressions into his own thoughts to give the reaer a sense that time is passing. Says Alexaner,&lquo;They’re asking you to write about yourself…The subject you know best. Just write from the heart an everything will be all right.&rquo;

了解更多留学咨询,欢迎联系留求艺王老师  tel:17710313380




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