国内美术相关专业本科在读,出国只能读Fine Art这类需要作品集的专业吗?可以的,艺术管理,设计管理专业都可以呢。简单给大家介绍几所学校,看下介绍和要求哦。...
king’s college lonon (伦敦大学国王学院)
专业:ma arts & cultural management (文化艺术管理)
minimum 2:1 honours egree (or overseas equivalent) in any iscipline. for those returning to stuy,evience of appropriate experience will be require. a written personal statement,emphasising both qualifying backgroun an reasons for selecting this programme,will be require. a sample of acaemic writing shoul be submitte.
雅思要求:7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in each skills.
参考学费:£20,550 per year (2018⁄19)
require moules
arts an management
cultural management: the experience
research approaches
arts-base research project
optional moules
in aition,you are require to take 60 creits from a range of optional moules,which may typically inclue:
marketing the arts: theory & practice in the real worl (20 creits)
insie toay’s museum (collaboration with tate) (20 creits)
cultural policy (20 creits)
visual culture (20 creits)
cultural management in small arts & cultural organisations (20 creits)
culture & the city (20 creits)
music & american culture (20 creits)
cultural markets (20 creits)
gener,meia & culture (20 creits)
fashion,culture & society (20 creits)
aesthetic economy & aesthetic markets (20 creits)
transnational screen prouction (20 creits)
art & globalisation (20 creits)
entertainment inustries (20 creits)
contextualising creativity (20 creits)
towars tomorrow’s museum (collaboration with tate) (20 creits)
reaings in the music business (20 creits)
cultural memory (20 creits)
conflict,iplomacy & international relations (20 creits)
cultural & creative inustries in china (20 creits)
chilren,meia inustries & culture (20 creits)
meia on the move: proucts & power (20 creits)
future memory: creating connecte worls (20 creits)
festivals: arts,public spaces & communities (20 creits)
entrepreneurial opportunity: arts & culture (20 creits)
museum curating now (collaboration with tate) (20 creits)
igital meia prouction cultures (20 creits)
you may choose 20 creits of moules from within the faculty of arts & humanities an the moern language centre,subject to approvals.
university of the arts lonon (伦敦艺术大学)
专业:esign management an cultures设计管理与文化
the ma esign management an cultures team recognises that applicants come from a broa spectrum of backgrouns from across the worl. we are actively seeking open-mine grauates from iverse acaemic an inustry/professional backgrouns who want to explore esign management an cultures at a high level.
a key characteristic of our caniates will be the esire to work across isciplinary an professional bounaries to explore the future of esign management of rapi change an isruption. 需要作品集。
to be consiere for the ma esign management an cultures course applicants must have one of the following:
§ an honours egree
§ a professional qualification recognise as equivalent to an honours egree
§ relevant professional/work experience
the above shoul be in a relevant subject iscipline or professional fiel such as:
§ esign
§ business stuies
§ management
§ social sciences
§ humanities
§ physical sciences
§ marketing
语言要求:ielts 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in any one paper
课程设置:evelop high-level leaership,management,communication an analytical skills for a career in the creative an cultural inustries. ma esign management an cultures combines acaemic stuy with creative an professional practice in a project-le curriculum that raws on a range of interisciplinary perspectives from business an the arts.
(1)专业:ma esign: esign management
入学要求:the amissions policy for ma esign: esign management is base on stuents having a goo honours egree in a relevant subject (2.2 or above) or an equivalent qualification in an appropriate iscipline.
语言要求:6.5 overall with 6.0 in reaing an writing an a minimum of 5.5 in speaking an listening
• the relationship of a consumer focus an esign processes
• the relationship of esign an law,especially in intellectual property
• bran equity evelopment in excellent esign
• new prouct evelopment processes
• finance an esign
queen’s university,belfast(贝尔法斯特女王大学)
专业:ma arts management
学术要求:normally a 2.1 honours egree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the university in a relevant subject. // a 2.2 honours egree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the university may be accepte if a caniate can emonstrate relevant work experience as an artist or in the fiel of arts aministration. exceptionally,applicants who o not hol a 2.2 honours egree an who possess relevant experience may be permitte the opportunity to emonstrate achievement at an equivalent level,for example,this coul be in a senior management role in an arts/cultural organisation.
语言要求:6.5,with not less than 6.0 in any component。
学费:13,945 英镑
our aim is to provie stuents with:
ü avance unerstaning of the subject of arts management
ü avance knowlege an unerstaning of the most up-to-ate theories an iscourses in arts management an how these are influencing practice
ü knowlege of international trens in cultural policy an how they are affecting,an affecte by,the practice of arts management
ü essential practical skills relating to arts management,particularly strategic planning,financial management,business planning an engaging auiences
ü a sophisticate level of critical an ivergent thinking an expression
ü skills appropriate to self-irecte stuy an inepenent research
ü awareness of ifferent research methoologies an their application to the work of arts managers
ü further evelope wier intellectual an transferable skills,consistent with creative thought an inepenent learning
birmingham city university (伯明翰城市大学)
专业:esign management – ma
学术要求:either a first or secon class honours egree in a relate subject,or,equivalent qualifications / experience. a backgroun or proven interest in esign or esign management. you shoul submit a statement outlining your personal goals an how you plan to use the course to achieve these.
雅思要求:work-base learning stuents shoul be fluent in english with a minimum english stanar of ielts 7,they shoul also be working in a esign relate position.
课程设置:the curriculum has a istinctive professional focus an embraces business management,marketing,esign strategy,entrepreneurship,innovation,sustainability,esign leaership an esign practice./// your focus will also inclue project management,intellectual property law an finance. there is also a strong emphasis on the evelopment of evience-base ecision making,high level leaership an communication skills.
lancaster university(兰卡斯特大学)
专业:ma arts management (艺术管理)
入学要求:an upper secon class honours egree,or equivalent
雅思要求:雅思 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in each element) or equivalent
ü research theory an methos
ü issertation
ü arts management practice
ü creative inustries placement
ü personal evelopment
ü strategic thinking in the arts
国内美术相关专业本科在读,出国只能读Fine Art这类需要作品集的专业吗?可以的,艺术管理,设计管理专业都可以呢。简单给大家介绍几所学校,看下介绍和要求哦。...