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  • 2025-03-10 22:23
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



PS 大神教我们如何来写一篇成功的PS,这是由UCAS (UCAS 是 Universities an Colleges Amissions Service 的缩写,即“大学和学院招生服务中心”,它是一个公共服务机构,统一为英国所有大学提供招生服务,和其他国家不同,申请英国大学的本科学位课程,都要通过UCAS进行申请)的主任Cathy Gilbert分享的。


  1. Remember how important the personal statement is to your application. This is a chance to show the universities why they shoul offer you a place,an it may be the only written work they see before making a ecision.


  1. Be sure to get your grammar an punctuation right. These mistakes will be obvious to higher eucation staff. It’s quite acceptable to ask people you trust to rea the statement through.


  1. Before you start writing,check the Entry Profiles for the courses you’re intereste in on Course Search at ucas.com. Universities set out the qualifications an experience they are looking for here.


  1. You can enter up to 4,000 characters (incluing spaces) an 47 lines of text (incluing blank lines) – but there is no nee to use all the space. I woul recommen writing the statement offline then pasting the finishe text into Apply.

因为提交 PS时有时间限制,你不可能一口气打完嘛。所以离线先修改到完美的版本,然后进入UCAS时再黏贴,注意不超过4000个字符(包含空格)和47行(包括空行),在wor的字数统计里面可以检查好。不要将过多篇幅集中在课程上,而要突出作为申请者的你。顺便提醒,文章中避免出现斜体,黑体和下划线以及其他非英语字符。

  1. Think about why you are applying for the courses you have chosen – universities want to see strong evience that you know what’s require an that you’re enthusiastic about the subject. Rea our Ucas Avisers’ blog to see what the ecision-makers are looking for.

想想为什么你要申请这门课程,大学想看强有力的证据。就是你不能夸夸其谈的讲我就是喜欢我就是感兴趣我以后要当 xx家。

举个例子: ‘I like sports an I am a great fan of basketball.’‘Basketball matches require goo team working,everyboy all the players nee to trust their team-mate an a team also nees a leaer who can irect an inspire the whole team.’‘Everyone shares the success an I think playing basketball has taught me a lot about leaership,co-operation an goo effective communication.’

  1. Ucas’s personal statement worksheet,esigne to help you think about what to inclue,has been ownloae 96,000 times this year.

(利用UCAS官网的 PS worksheet 引导你得出写PS的想法)

  1. Remember there’s just one personal statement,whether you make one or five choices. If you are applying for ifferent subjects or courses,try to pick out common themes an skills,such as writing ability or problem solving skills.

无论申请多少个专业都只有 1份PS!所以你要是申请不同专业的话就不要随便把其中一个专业的名字写在PS里面了,这样老师会觉得你只想读这一个专业,比如几个专业都是工程类的就往大方向有共同点的地方去写。

  1. Write about jobs,work experience or work placements that are relevant to the courses you are applying for. If you are a mature stuent,it’s likely that you’ll have significant experience in the workplace to put forwar.



1) 你如何证明你可以在英文授课的环境下能顺利完成高等教育

2) 你是否曾参与过英文授课的课程/考试?

3) 除学习之外,你是否参与过其它需要用到英文的活动?

  1. Remember that the statement shoul be all your own work,an not plagiarise. The Copycatch system checks each statement against a vast library to fin similarities. It simply isn’t worth trying to copy your statement,an very few applicants i this last year.

不能抄袭这是肯定的,因为 UCAS的检测系统会把你的PS和以前提交过的PS相比较,所以你找以前写得多棒的PS当模板都没用。

上传的 PS会经过UCAS相似度系统的测试:




如果你的 PS有抄袭嫌疑,首先会由专人小组鉴定超过10%相似度的PS是否被确认抄袭;然后申请人和大学会同时收到抄袭确认信函;最后Amission Tutor最后决定是否拒绝该学生申请。

  1. Use soli examples that show your abilities an experiences,rather than vague statements such as “I have always reamt of becoming…” If you’re stuck on the introuction,UCAStv has a vieo looking at the best way to start your statement.

和第五点类似,一定要用例子说明,不要夸夸其谈:我梦想成为 xxx 这样的句子。

举个例子: ‘I spent two weeks working at a epartment store. I enjoying speaking to customers an helping them.’‘I spent two weeks managing customer enquiries at a epartment store. I learn how to interact with customer an hanle complaints. The experience highlighte the importance of positive communication between a business an its customer,an taught me how to manage ifficult enquires effectively.’

谁会阅读 PS评估你的大学申请?

1) 想要了解如何写好一篇PS,首先要了解如何阅读它:

2) 申请者的学习能力:通过之前的学习经历或专业说明学生是一个合格的申请者。


4) 毕业后的职业计划or学习计划:表明学生目标明确。短期学习目的/目标+长期事业目标。

5) 职责是“录取最适合该专业的学生”



先尝试回答如下问题: 1)你打算申请什么专业?为什么要申请这个专业?2)  你如何表现出自己有能力完成所申请的课程?3) 是否参与过课外活动/工作实习,从中有哪些收获?4)  你课余时间都有哪些爱好?从中收获了什么?它们对你的大学学习有帮助么?5)   你对毕业后有什么规划?





各部分参考比重: 60% Course an how you’re suite to it;30% work experience/skills that are relevant to your subject;10% Interest an hobbies。



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