

  • 小英话留学
  • 2025-03-05 00:51
  • 72
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





  • 学生已经满足了所申请专业的语言要求;
  • 学生正在进行最后一学期的学习;
  • 学生conitional offer上唯一的要求是提供学业完成证明和最终成绩单,来证明学生已经达到申请专业最终要求的分数。


  • 英文成绩证明
  • 包含7个学期成绩的成绩证明
  • 学生有能力完成目前所学学位的证明
  • 学生填写的 Conitional CoE Release Form(附件)

学校的amission会最终决定是否给学生发放conitional CoE。

  • 学校强烈建议学生于7月初申请,以便有充足的时间申请签证
  • 如果学生需要入读语言课,amission会酌情考虑是否发放 conitional CoE。
  • 如果学生没有达到 conitional CoE上的条件,或者最终成绩没有在2018年9月15日之前提交,学校会给学生发放拒信并取消CoE。


Conitional CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment) Policy allows eligible applicants to acquire their Conitional CoE if they have not attaine a egree awar by the time of submitting their ocumentation via UQ’s OLA. once a Conitional CoE request is approve,applicants can accept their offer an finalize the eposit payment prior to their home university grauation. A Conitional CoE,permits applicants to submit their application for a Stuent Visa in a timely manner an commence their program at UQ in July 2018.

  1. Applicant has met the University’s English language requirements. 2. Applicant is currently enrolle in the final semester of stuy an will complete their egree. 3. Offer is conitional only upon the submission of a “completion statement” an final transcript confirming that the stuent has achieve the require graes for entry to a specific program being offere mi-Year 2018. 1. English Language Test Result. 2. Certifie Acaemic Transcripts,incluing complete 7-semesters of stuy. 3. Certifie Completion Letter stating when the applicant woul attain the egree awar. 4. Request for Conitional CoE Release Form to be complete by the stuent ONLY *It is highly recommene that applicants submit their Conitional CoE Request by early June so they have sufficient time to prepare for their stuent visa. *For applicants that commence a Briging English Program (BEP) at Institute of Continuing & TESOL Eucation (ICTE-UQ),approval is subject to Amission’s assessment. *If the stuent fails to satisfy the conitions of the offer,or the final results are not provie by 15 September 2018,a letter avising that the stuent has not satisfie the conitions shall be sent an the stuent’s CoE will be cancelle.



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