

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-09-01 11:12:35
  • 63
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),简称理大,是一所坐落于香港的 综合性研究型大学。学校成立于 1937 年,为香港历史最悠久的大学之一,是香港 8 所受政府大学教育资助委员会资助并可颁授学位的高等教育院校之一。

在 2014 年 QS 亚洲大学排名中,香港理工大学位居亚洲第 27 位,香港第 5 位。根据 2015 年《美国新闻与世界报道》,学校在工程学列全球大学第 9 位,全港第 1 位。

香港理工大学位于九龙红磡,主校园占地约 94,600 平方米,共有教职员 3,621 名 (2014 年 6 月数据 ),注册学生 32,229 人 (2013 年 9 月数据 )。1937 年至 201 6 年,学校共培育了超过 40 万名毕业生。


Programmeeminar(only the part-time option will be offere in 2018-19)(Master of Design (Design Practices) (programme coe 73035-DPF) is to be suspene)(This programme is a purely istance learning course an jointly offere by PolyU an the University of Manchester,UK,uner the School of Nursing (SN). It is a matter of iscretion for iniviual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lea.) (This programme is offere subject to approval)(Government-fune) (This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This is an exempte programme uner the Non-local Higher an Professional Eucation (Regulation) Orinance in Hong Kong. It is a matter of iscretion for iniviual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lea.) (Offere uner the Integrate Grauate Development Scheme. For application arrangements,please refer to www.igs.polyu.eu.hk )(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This is an exempte programme uner the Non-local Higher an Professional Eucation (Regulation) Orinance in Hong Kong. It is a matter of iscretion for iniviual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lea.) (Offere uner the Integrate Grauate Development Scheme. For application arrangements,please refer to www.igs.polyu.eu.hk )(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will invite applications for amission in 2018-19 Semester Two)(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This programme will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This programme amits stuents in alternate years an will not invite applications for amission in 2018-19)(This is an exempte programme uner the Non-local Higher an Professional Eucation (Regulation) Orinance in Hong Kong. It is a matter of iscretion for iniviual employers to recognise any qualification to which this programme may lea.) (Offere uner the Integrate Grauate Development Scheme. For application arrangements,please refer to www.igs.polyu.eu.hk )(only the part-time option will be offere in 2018-19)



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