6.0 完结篇 我们为什么选择英国
Why choose the UK as an international stuy estination?
§How much oes it cost?
§Entry clearance & immigration regulations
§Why choose a UK eucation?
Why Choose a UK Eucation? 我们为什么选择英国的教育,我们到底是选择了英国教育里的什么?
这个问题是对之前 1.0-5.0 的一个很好的总结,这里引用 British Council 对自己国家教育优势的一段话,童鞋们也就此检测一下自己的阅读能力,当然咖咖酱也会在下面不辞辛劳的附上自己的翻译:
The benefits of a UK eucation
In the UK stuents are given the opportunity to evelop their potential an gain a top quality eucation in an exciting,vibrant an supportive multicultural learning environment. Almost 500,000 stuents from 200 nations come to the UK to stuy at UK schools,colleges or universities. 600,000 more come to take an English language course. In aition,more than 500,000 international stuents each year take a UK qualification overseas – for example,online or at a UK overseas campus.The success of the UK system is shown by its low rop-out rates. This is a istinguishing feature of the UK system.
来到英国,每个学生都将在这个充满热情的多元文化国度里,接受最高等的教育,开发自己的潜力。超过 200 个国家的 50 万国际留学生来到英国就读,如果算上语言课的学生的话,这个数字就是 60 万,如果再算上远程教育和网络教育的国际学生人数,那么这个数字总和就超过了 100 万人。英国教育体制的成功不光是反应在了其世界最高的毕业率上面。
The UK is one of the most multicultural countries in the worl. So stuents will learn about not only traitional UK culture,but also how to work,stuy an live alongsie people from many countries across the globe.
The UK is recognise as a centre of acaemic excellence,where stuents can expect a worl-class eucation that will set them on the roa to their future careers in a way that no other country can offer. Some of the benefits a UK eucation offers:
§An investment for life an the future
§A worl-class eucation with globally respecte qualifications in their chosen acaemic iscipline
§Excellent teaching an facilities,meeting strict quality stanars set by the UK government an eucation boies
§The UK is at the forefront of scientific an creative innovation,so stuents benefit by learning alongsie some of the worl’s top intellectual achievers
§Opening oors to career reams an aspirations
§Gaining contacts an a network beyon their qualification into their future life an career
§Developing the inter-cultural skills an unerstaning that employers seek
§Developing skills for life-long learning
§Learning to meet the challenges of a rapily changing worl
§Perfecting their English in the home of the English language
§Feeling at home in a welcoming,multicultural environment
§Get great value for money