The University of Einburgh
爱丁堡大学( University of Einburgh ) 简称爱大,位于苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,创建于1583 年,是英语国家中第六古老的大学,全球 20 强顶尖名校。爱丁堡大学的教研人员总数近 3000 人,全校分设三大学院( College )并下设 22 个小学院( School ),三大学院分别是:人文与社会科学院、科学与工程学院、医学与兽医学院。爱丁堡大学的 26 个专业中有 24 个个专业被外部评估机构评为 “ 优秀 ” 或者 “ 极为满意 ”。爱丁堡大学是英国最具规模的院校之一,在校学生总数达到 17000 人,其中 16% 为来自 100 多个国家的外国留学生。
爱丁堡大学图书馆成立于 1580 年,规模堪称苏格兰之最,是世界上较大、较重要的学术性图书馆之一。它是一个由分散在爱丁堡市的场馆组成的图书馆系统,所有的场馆之间由计算机网络连接。通过其网络系统,学生可以使用图书馆的电子数据和藏书,更能获得学术资料、阅览其他图书馆书目、以往试卷、电子期刊和众多参考书。
QS 世界排名 21
英国排名 6
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
TESOL programme Introuction
Our Masters in TESOL is a programme aime at the evelopment of professionals working in the English language teaching fiel. This programme is suitable for both experience teachers an newcomers to TESOL.
Entry Requirements
Acaemic an English language entry requirements for amission to the TESOL programme.
A UK 2:1 honours egree,or its international equivalent,in a relevant iscipline is normally require. Alternatively,you may be consiere on the basis of employment or relevant experience. No previous teaching experience is require.
Stuents stuying at Chinese 211 institutions require a minimum overall average of 80% for courses an at least 80% on the issertation; for non-211 institutions,an average of 85% is require for courses with 80% on the issertation.Stuents whose first language is not English must show evience of their English language competence.
English language requirements
If English is not your first language,you must have one of the following qualifications as evience of your spoken an written English:
• IELTS: total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each moule)
• TOEFL-iBT: total 100 (at least 23 in each moule)
For the MSc you will complete three compulsory courses an two option courses,plus a issertation. The PgDip an PgCert comprise similar combinations of compulsory an optional courses.
Compulsory courses:
• TESOL Methoology
• Language an the Learner
• Secon Language Teaching Curriculum
• Research Methos (Part 1) Sources of Knowlege
• Research Methos (Part 2) Conceptualising Research: Founations,Assumptions An Praxis
• Research Methos (Part 3) Planning Research
Option courses may inclue (note: not all options run every year):
• evaluation an Design of TESOL Materials
• Language Testing
• online Language Learning
• Teaching Text Across Borers
• Theory an Practice of Secon Language Learning
• Language Awareness for Secon Language Teachers
• Investigating Iniviual Learner Differences
爱丁堡大学是一所 国际一流大学,其水平相当于国内的985或211高校。以下是关于爱丁堡大学的具体评价:爱丁堡大学在2022年QS世界大学排名中位列第16名,高于清华大学和北京大学。在英国众多名校中,爱丁堡大学的认可度仅次......
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