


Brentwood Secondary College

学校地址:[维多利亚州] Corner Heath St & Watsons Rd,Glen Waverley, Melbourne

Situated in Glen Waverley approximately 25 km east of the Melbourne CBD, Brentwood Secondary College is a co-educational and multicultural school of a



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1922
  • 在校学生:3000
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:23450澳元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Situated in Glen Waverley approximately 25 km east of the Melbourne CBD, Brentwood Secondary College is a co-educational and multicultural school of approximately 1450 students from Year 7 to Year 12. The College is a safe and secure learning environment that values and respects students' individual achievements. It is part of an education precinct and adjoining the College is Glen Waverley South Primary School.

Brentwood Secondary College is committed to the delivery of a challenging, high quality, inclusive curriculum. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence. The College offers over 32 VCE subjects and access to a selection of VET courses.

The College maintains a well disciplined environment supported by a sub-school structure and a highly experienced student well-being team.

The College has a proud tradition of academic excellence, complemented by outstanding sporting achievements and a history of musical and dramatic performances.

Brentwood is a year 7 to 12 co-educational secondary school located in the eastern Melbourne suburb of Glen Waverley. The student population is over 1450 with approximately equal numbers of boys and girls.

Our vision describes Brentwood as a vibrant learning community where all students are supported and encouraged to achieve success and to pursue excellence. We define a learning community as one in which all members of the community are learning, both individually and together, and where everyone is continually striving to improve. The values that underpin the behaviours of our community include courtesy, compassion, diversity, fairness, integrity, learning, leadership, respect, responsibility, tolerance and trust.

Learning is the focus of the college motto which embraces three interconnected themes.

Learning for Understanding

Learning for Leadership

Learning as a Community

Brentwood prides itself on academic excellence and excellent pastoral care. Our students are supported in their intellectual, emotional, social and physical development by a highly professional group of teachers and student services staff. While our focus is very much on academic excellence the belief that happy, healthy, resilient students learn best and achieve their best is a guiding philosophy.

In year 7 all students undertake a common curriculum designed to support the transition from primary to secondary school. The vertical structure of the year 8, 9 and 10 curriculum allows for accelerated personalised learning - for example a talented year 8 student may undertake year 10 mathematics or a musically talented year 9 student may begin VCE music. Formal advanced classes are offered in English, mathematics, LOTE (either German or Japanese) and science. Literacy and numeracy support programs are also offered in years 7, 8 and 9. The academic VCE program provides many opportunities for advanced placement and access to university enhancement courses.

Brentwood students are strongly encouraged to participate in the co-curricular program that includes subject and year level camps. Opportunities for participation also exist in sport, performing arts, leadership, student government and service. These programs, along with our focus on academic excellence and excellent pastoral care, contribute to the sense of community that is Brentwood Secondary College .

he School Strategic Plan sets out the school’s strategic directions for the next four years, including the school’s purpose, values and environmental context, as well as goals, targets and key improvement strategies in three student outcome areas:

student learning

student engagement and wellbeing

student pathways and transitions.

The school strategic plan is developed during the year of self evaluation, review and planning. It is informed by the information gathered and directions identified throughout the school self evaluation and school review processes, and through staff, student and parent consultation and engagement with relevant community agencies.


 学生需提交申请表、成绩单和推荐信等相关材料。 学校会进行面试和入学测试,以评估学生的语言能力和学术潜力。 申请学生需支付一定的申请费用。 总体来说,申请条件较为宽松,只要学生具备一定的英语能力和学术潜力,就有机会申请入学。







先进的教学理念 布伦特伍德高中一贯重视教学理念的创新与高效,秉承“学有所成、德育并举、激发潜能、引领未来”这一办学宗旨,注重发展学生的思维能力和创新精神。School Model是学校独创的教学模式,通过学科内部分项目,学生更深刻地了解知识,并在实际操作中掌握运用知识的能力,提高思维能力。

  • 新加坡
  • 马来西亚
  • 泰国
  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它