

#留学考试 回答者:艺术留学大表哥 2024-10-21 10:07:07




2、选择一个可变的自变量:IB物理IA需要有一个重点研究问题,可以1500字的限制内探索的问题。 要构建一个合理的研究问题,首先需要想出一个容易改变的独立变量。请记住,选择的变量必须是可测量的。温度、时间、压力和质量都是很好的例子。记住要避免任何不连续的属性,如材料类型。




1、hat effect does temperature have on the spring constant?温度对弹簧常数有什么影响?

2、What effect does temperature have on the speed of sound in a solid (or liquid)?温度对声音在固体(或液体)中的传播速度有什么影响?

3、How does the football's cross-sectional area impact its final velocity?足球的横截面积如何影响它的最终速度?

4、How does a string's diameter affect its fundamental frequency?弦的直径如何影响它的基频?

5、How does sugar content influence water's refractive index?含糖量如何影响水的折射率?

6、What effect does temperature have on the viscosity of liquids?温度对液体的粘度有什么影响?

7、How does the length of a violin/guitar string impact the sustain duration of a plucked violin/guitar string?小提琴/吉他弦的长度如何影响拨弦小提琴/吉他弦的持续时间?

8、How does temperature impact the flying distance of an elastic band?温度如何影响橡皮筋的飞行距离?

9、How does temperature impact a battery's internal resistance?温度如何影响电池的内阻?

10、How does the angle of a toy helicopter's rotor blades impact its lift force?玩具直升机旋翼叶片的角度如何影响其升力?

11、How does the number of coils in an electric motor impact its efficiency?电机线圈的数量如何影响其效率?

12、How does temperature effect a transformer's efficiency?温度如何影响变压器的效率?

13、How does the intensity of a magnet's magnetic field impact the performance of an electric motor?磁铁的磁场强度如何影响电动机的性能?

14、How does temperature impact the Young Modulus of a copper wire?温度如何影响铜线的杨氏模量?

15、How does the salt content of water influence the capacity of the heart?水的含盐量是如何影响心脏容量的?

16、How does the cross-sectional area of a sail impact the initial acceleration of a toy boat?船帆的横截面积如何影响玩具船的初始加速度?

17、What effect does temperature have on the rebound of a bouncing ball?温度对弹跳球的回弹有什么影响?

18、How does the cross-sectional area of the card linked to a vibrating mass influence the mass's displacement after twenty oscillations?与振动质量相连接的卡的横截面积在20次振荡后如何影响质量的位移?

19、How does the football's circumference affect its momentum when kicked?足球的周长是如何影响它被踢时的动量的?

20、How does adding mass to an inflated balloon impact its final velocity as it falls?给充气的气球增加质量对它下落时的最终速度有什么影响?

21、What effect does the breadth of the rotor blades have on the final velocity of a paper helicopter?旋翼叶片的宽度对纸直升机的最终速度有什么影响?

22、How does the paddle area of a waterwheel affect its efficiency while turning water into electricity?当水车把水变成电的时候,桨的面积是如何影响它的效率的?

23、How does the initial angle of a pendulum's release affect the subsequent computation of g?摆释放的初始角度如何影响g的后续计算?

24、How does the temperature of the water in a wine glass influence the resonance frequency of the sound generated when the glass is struck and the rim begins to vibrate freely?酒杯里水的温度如何影响敲击玻璃杯时产生的声音的共振频率,酒杯的边缘开始自由振动?

25、How does the amount of water in a wine glass influence the resonance frequency of sound generated when the glass is struck and the rim begins to vibrate freely?酒杯里的水量如何影响敲击玻璃杯时产生的声音的共振频率,酒杯的边缘开始自由振动?

26、How does the temperature of grease affect the depth of a crater made by dropping a mass from a known height?油脂的温度如何影响从已知高度落下的物体所形成的陨石坑的深度?

27、How does the distance between double-glazed glass panes influence the rate of heat loss?双层玻璃之间的距离如何影响热损失率?

28、How does the amount of glass panes in double, triple, and quadruple glazing impact the rate of heat loss?双层、三层和四层玻璃的玻璃数量如何影响热损失率?

29、How does the cross-sectional area of the pipe in a siphon affect the water's volumetric flow rate?虹吸管的截面积如何影响水的体积流量?

30、How does ramp height affect the time required for a cylinder to roll down a ramp?斜坡高度如何影响气缸滚下斜坡所需的时间?

31、How does the distance between two towers supporting a flat metallic bar influence the vertical depression/sag caused by the addition of a known mass?支撑扁平金属杆的两座塔之间的距离如何影响已知质量的增加所造成的垂直凹陷/凹陷?

32、How does the width of a flat bridge influence the vertical depression/sag caused by the addition of a known mass?平坦桥梁的宽度如何影响已知质量的增加所造成的垂直凹陷/凹陷?

33、How does the solid sphere's radius influence the oscillation period of a solid sphere on a curved track?实心球体的半径如何影响实心球体在弯曲轨道上的振荡周期?

34、How does temperature affect the strength of a permanent magnet's magnetic field?温度如何影响永磁体磁场的强度?

35、How does the amount of dust on a solar panel influence the panel's efficiency?太阳能电池板上的灰尘量如何影响电池板的效率?

36、How does a block's mass affect the distance it recoils after being struck by a continuous external force?一个物体的质量如何影响它受到连续外力撞击后的反冲距离?

37、How is the distance between the screen and the laser responsible for the laser's slit spacing?屏幕和激光器之间的距离对激光器狭缝间距有何影响?

38、What effect does rubber temperature have on the coefficient of static friction between rubber and a surface?橡胶温度对橡胶与表面之间的静摩擦系数有什么影响?

39、How does the temperature of a guitar string influence its frequency when plucked with a consistent force and allowed to vibrate freely?当用一致的力拨弦并允许弦自由振动时,弦的温度如何影响它的频率?

40、How does density affect the angle subtended by diffracted waves when a liquid is passed through a single slit in a ripple tank?当液体通过波纹槽中的单个狭缝时,密度如何影响绕射波的夹角?

41、How does the radius of a copper pipe influence the time required for a magnet to fall through it?铜管的半径如何影响磁铁穿过铜管所需的时间?

42、How does the resistivity of a metal pipe influence the time required for a magnet to fall through it?金属管的电阻率如何影响磁铁穿过金属管所需的时间?

43、How does temperature effect castor oil viscosity?温度如何影响蓖麻油粘度?

44、How does the temperature of a lubricant applied to the underside of a solid influence the coefficient of dynamic friction when the solid is pulled along a surface?当固体沿着表面被拉时,应用于固体底面的润滑剂的温度如何影响动摩擦系数?

45、How does the diameter of a battery copper coil train's coil effect the train's speed?电池铜圈列车线圈的直径如何影响列车的速度?






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