

#留学考试 回答者:意大利留学 2024-10-21 09:56:08

IB数学EE(Extended Essay)是一篇研究论文,旨在为学生提供深入探索自己感兴趣的主题的机会,特别关注数学概念和技能的应用。要想在IB数学EE中拿高分,选对题目非常重要。今天留求艺留学就为大家带来IB数学EE选题方法及题目的推荐,希望对大家有帮助。









1、Investigating the properties of a specific mathematical function and its applications.研究特定数学函数的性质及其应用。

2、Examining the history of a particular mathematical concept or problem.检查特定数学概念或问题的历史

3、Investigating the relationship between different branches of mathematics, such as algebra and geometry.研究数学不同分支之间的关系,如代数和几何。

4、Investigating the properties and application of geometric shapes in different branches of mathematics.研究不同数学分支中几何形状的性质和应用。

5、Applying mathematical modeling to a real-world problem, such as optimizing logistics or predicting weather patterns.将数学建模应用于现实世界的问题,例如优化物流或预测天气模式。

6、Investigating the use of mathematical methods in computer science, such as complexity theory and algorithms.研究数学方法在计算机科学中的应用,如复杂性理论和算法。

7、Exploring the application of number theory in cryptography and information security.探索数论在密码学和信息安全中的应用

8、Investigating the role of statistics in decision-making and forecasting.调查统计在决策和预测中的作用。

9、Investigating the use of mathematical logic in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.研究数学逻辑在人工智能和机器学习中的应用

10、Examining the applications of mathematical methods in the field of engineering and physics, such as fluid dynamics and mechanics.检验数学方法在工程和物理领域的应用,如流体动力学和力学。

11、Investigating the properties of fractals and their applications in computer graphics and image processing.研究分形的性质及其在计算机图形学和图像处理中的应用。

12、Exploring the concept of infinity and infinitesimals in calculus and their implications in other branches of mathematics.探索微积分中的无穷和无穷小的概念及其在其他数学分支中的含义。

13、Investigating the application of graph theory in network analysis and computer science.探讨图论在网络分析和计算机科学中的应用

14、Examining the relationship between topology and other branches of mathematics such as algebra and analysis.研究拓扑学和其他数学分支如代数和分析之间的关系。

15、Investigating the properties of mathematical knots and their applications in physics and biology.研究数学结的性质及其在物理学和生物学中的应用。

16、Exploring the application of game theory in economics and decision making.探索博弈论在经济学和决策中的应用

17、Investigating the use of mathematical methods in the field of finance and financial modeling.调查数学方法在金融和金融建模领域的应用

18、Examining the relationship between chaos theory and other areas of mathematics and science.检查混沌理论与其他数学和科学领域的关系

19、Investigating the use of mathematical methods in the field of cryptography, such as elliptic curve cryptography.研究数学方法在密码学领域的应用,如椭圆曲线密码。

20、Exploring the application of mathematical methods in the study of complexity in natural systems, such as studying the Mandelbrot set in the field of chaos theory.探索数学方法在自然系统复杂性研究中的应用,如研究混沌理论领域的Mandelbrot集。






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