

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 19:31

新西兰移民加分细则( 100 分可排队,160 直接批,由高往下审核)


points an bonus points

All of the available points are liste below. 100 points will get your EOI into the ‘pool’,but the more points you have,the more likely you are to be selecte.


· 30 points: 20-29 years

· 25 points: 30-39 years

· 20 points: 40-44 years

· 10 points: 45-49 years

· 5 points: 50-55 years.

Close family近亲情况

10 points for close family in New Zealan.

Skille employment技能就业

· 50 points: job offer  持有一份新西兰技能工作邀请函

· 50 points: working in a skille job in New Zealan for less than 12 months 目前正在新西兰从事技能工作但工作时间尚不足 12 个月

· 60 points: working in a skille job in New Zealan for more than 12 months. 目前正在新西兰从事技能工作且工作时间已满 12 个月以上

Bonus points额外加分

· 10 points: work in an ientifie future growth area  在确定未来发展的地区工作

· 10 points: work in an area of absolute skills shortage 在绝对的技能短缺区域工作

· 10 points: work in a region outsie Aucklan 奥克兰之外地区工作

· 20 points if partner has a skille job or job offer. 如果配偶有技术工作或者工作邀请函

Work experience in skille employment工作经验

· 10 points: 2 years

· 15 points: 4 years

· 20 points: 6 years

· 25 points: 8 years

· 30 points: 10 years.

Bonus points for work experience in New Zealan: 在新西兰工作经验额外加分

· Five points: one year

· 10 points: two years

· 15 points: three or more years.

An if the work experience is in an ientifie future growth area: 在未来指定发展区域工作经验

· 10 points: 2 to 5 years experience  2-5 年工作经验

· 15 points: 6 or more years experience. 6 年以上工作经验

An if the work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: 在绝对短缺清单领域的工作经验

· 10 points: 2 to 5 years 2-5 年

· 15 points: 6 or more years. 6 年以上


· 40 points: recognise level 4-6 qualification (e.g. trae qualification,iploma) 4-6 级(行业证书,大专)

· 50 points: recognise level 7 or 8 qualification (e.g. bachelor egree,bachelor egree with honours) 7-8 级(本科学位,荣誉学位)

· 60 points: recognise level 9 or 10 post-grauate qualification (masters egree,octorate) 9-10 级(硕士,博士)

Bonus points for qualifications: 学历额外加分

· 10 points: two years full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a recognise bachelor egree New Zealan qualification  新西兰全日制完成受认可两年本科学位

· 10 points: One year of full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a recognise post-grauate New Zealan qualification 受认可新西兰一年全日制研究生学历

· 15 points: two years of full-time stuy in New Zealan completing a recognise post-grauate New Zealan qualification 新西兰完成两年全日制受认可研究生学历

· 10 points: qualification in an ientifie future growth area 在确定发展区域

· 10 points: qualification in an area of absolute skills shortage 在紧缺清单领域的学历

· 10 points   if your partner hols a level 4-6 qualification 如配偶持有 4-6 级学历

· 20 points: if your partner hols a level 7+ qualification. 如配偶持有 7 级以上学历



  • 西兰移民打分


  • 西兰移民——技术打分你够么


  • 西兰移民打分机制



