

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-06-19 04:40

physical Therapy/physiotheray 物理疗法 ( 理疗 )






科廷大学( Curtin University ),曾用名科廷科技大学( Curtin University of Technology ),是澳大利亚一所大型公立综合性大学,成立于 1986 年,位于西澳大利亚 首府珀斯。

珀斯是澳大利亚西澳大利亚州的首府,也是澳大利亚第四大城市。根据 2008 年 6 月的人口统计,珀斯都会区的人口共有 160 万人,是澳大利亚第四大城市,人口增长率高于澳洲国家统计的平均水平。

珀斯地处澳大利亚大陆西岸地中海气候地区,气候温和外加天鹅河( Swan River )沿岸的别致景色,使珀斯得以成为非常受欢迎的观光旅游目的地。拥有广阔的居住空间及高水平的生活质素,在每年的世界最佳居住城市评选中都名列前茅,是一个居 住环境,生活质素及社会福利等都非常优秀的城市。此外,珀斯还曾在 2013 年世界最友善城市排名中名列第一。专业介绍 :

1 、 physiotherapy


Ø 开学日期: 2 月

Ø 学制: 4 年

Ø 雅思要求: 4 个 7 不能配语言

Ø 学费: $37000


Investigate the physical,structural an physiological aspects of the human form an movement. You will learn to prevent,iagnose,treat an rehabilitate injuries an isabilities using hans-on treatment,prescriptive exercise an lifestyle avice.

In this course,you will unertake a combination of theoretical,practical an clinical subjects.

Your first year of the course is interprofessional an is taken with other health sciences stuents. You will learn founational skills critical to physiotherapy.

The following years will be evote to a more intensive stuy of the musculoskeletal,neurological an cariopulmonary areas.

You will evelop practical skills in laboratory classes an uner clinical supervision at hospitals an community settings. You will become familiar with acute an long-term case management,an may take placements in rural an remote healthcare settings.



COURSE STRUCTUREHRS/WKCREDITYEAR 1 SEMESTER 1HUMB1002v.1HEAL1000v.1HUMB1000v.1CMHL1000v.1100.0YEAR 1 SEMESTER 2INDh1006v.1CMHL1001v.1pATh1001v.1HUMB2007v.1ORHUMB1003v.1100.0YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1pATh2002v.1pHTY2002v.1GMED2004v.1pHTY2000v.1MEDI2008v.1100.0YEAR 2 SEMESTER 2pATh2003v.1HUMB2005v.1pHTY2001v.1MEDI2007v.1GMED2005v.1100.0YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1STRH-pHYTHv.1ORSTRU-pHYTHv.1

南澳大学 :

南澳大学( University of South Australia,缩写 UniSA )是澳大利亚的一所大型公立综合性大学,最早可追溯至 1861 年原澳洲高等教育学院的前身——南澳文学院( South Australian School of Arts )。




Ø 开学日期: 2 月

Ø 学制: 4 年

Ø 雅思要求: 4 个 7 学校允许配语言课,最多配 20 周,学生最低要达到 6.0

Ø 学费: 2018: AUD$ 34,200         2019: AUD$ 36,000


Learn from registere physiotherapists an worl-class researchers1,an experience first-han what it’s like to work in clinical practice in our state-of-the-art physiotherapy Clinic on-campus.

practical experience is a major focus of UniSA’s physiotherapy qualifications an practical fiel placements in a variety of metropolitan,rural,regional an international settings allow you to apply what you have learnt uring your stuies. We’ve also been teaching in this fiel for more than 40 years,an are prou of the rich knowlege base we have create for our stuents.


实习经验是大学物理治疗资格的一个主要焦点,在不同的都市、农村、地区和国际环境中的实习 你都 可以申请。 我们也在这个领域教书 40 多年,并且为我们为学生创造的丰富的知识基础感到自豪。


Course nameArea an cat no.UnitsReferenceFIRST YEARFirst Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)Human Anatomy 100 人体解剖(学HLTH 10204.5Human physiology 100 人体生理学BIOL 10494.5Founations of Health 健康基础HLTH 10294.5physiotherapy Stuies 100 理疗研究REHB 10264.5Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Human Anatomy 101 人体解剖(学)HLTH 10304.5Human physiology 101 人体生理学BIOL 10504.5Introuction to Evience base practice an Research in Health Sciences 健康科学循证实践与研究综述HLTH 10494.5physiotherapy Stuies 101 理疗研究REHB 10274.5SECOND YEARFirst Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)Human Anatomy 200 人体解剖(学)HLTH 20224.5Funamentals of pharmacology 药理学基础pHAR 20194.5physiotherapy Stuies 200 理疗研究REHB 20414.5Exercise physiology 1 运动生理学HLTH 20064.5Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Neurosciences in physiotherapy 理疗中的神经科学REHB 20484.5Biopsychosocial practice 生物心理社会实践REHB 20474.5physiotherapy Stuies 201 理疗研究REHB 20424.5physiotherapy Clinical Stuies 201 理疗临床研究REHB 20124.5THIRD YEAR - pROFESSIonAL STREAMFirst Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3) or Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Acute Care 紧急医护REHB 30079Rehabilitation 修复REHB 30119Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6) or First Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)primary an Ambulatory Care in physiotherapy 理疗中的初级和动态护理REHB 30659pain Sciences 疼痛科学REHB 30094.5Elective4.5FOURTH YEAR - pROFESSIonAL STREAMFirst Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3) or Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Health promotion in physiotherapy B 理疗对健康的促进作用REHB 40354.5Ethics an Communication 伦理与沟通REHB 40344.5Avance Rehabilitation B 高级康复REHB 40514.5physiotherapy with Chilren 儿童理疗REHB 30594.5Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6) or First Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)Work Health an Safety practice 工作卫生与安全实践REHB 40114.5Avance Evience base practice 先进循证实践HLTH 30574.5Avance physiotherapy practice B 高级理疗实践REHB 40509THIRD YEAR - RESEARCH STREAMNote(s): 4First Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)Health Science Honours preparation 健康科学荣誉学科REHB 30104.5primary an Ambulatory Care in physiotherapy 理疗中的初级和动态护理REHB 30659pain Sciences 疼痛科学REHB 30094.5Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Acute Care 紧急医护REHB 30079Rehabilitation 修复REHB 30119FOURTH YEAR - RESEARCH STREAMFirst Semester (Stuy perio 1,2 or 3)Avance Rehabilitation B 高级康复REHB 40514.5physiotherapy with Chilren 儿童理疗REHB 30594.5Health Science Honours Thesis 健康科学荣誉论文REHB 40129Avance physiotherapy practice B 高级理疗实践REHB 40509Secon Semester (Stuy perio 4,5 or 6)Ethics an Communication 伦理与沟通REHB 40344.5Work Health an Safety practice 工作卫生与安全实践REHB 40114.5


澳洲天主教大学( Australian Catholic University,缩写 ACU )是澳大利亚的一所大型公立综合性大学,成立于 1991 年 1 月 1 日。澳洲天主教大学共有七个小型校区分散于澳洲境内各城市。



Ø 开学日期: 2 月

Ø 学制: 4 年

Ø 雅思要求: 4 个 7 不能配语言



Semester 1 physiotherapy anatomy 理疗解剖学 1

Human biology I 人类生物学 1

psychology for allie health 健康心理学

Founations of physiotherapy practice 1 理疗实践基础 1

Semester 2 physiotherapy anatomy2 理疗解剖学 2

Human biology 2 人类生物学 2

Self an community exploring the anatomy of moern society 现代社会解剖的探索

Founations of physiotherapy practice 2 理疗实践基础 2


Semester 1 pathophysiology for physiotherapy 病理理疗生理学

Neuroscience for physiotherapy 神经物理疗法

Research an evience base practice for physiotherapy 理疗实践研究

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice1 肌肉骨骼理疗实践 1

Semester 2

Clinical exercise physiology for physiotherapists 临床运动生理学

Cariorespiratory physiotherapy practice1 心肺理疗实践 1

Moverment science for physiotherapy 理疗运动学

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice2 肌肉骨骼理疗实践 2


Semester 1

Neurological physiotherapy practice 1 神经理疗实践 1

Cariorespiratory physiotherapy practice2 心肺物理治疗实践 2

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice 肌肉骨骼理疗实践 3

Justice an change in a global worl 全球正义与变革

Semester 2

Neurological physiotherapy practice2 神经理疗实习 2

Health care ethics 医疗伦理

paeiatric physiotherapy practice 儿科理疗实践

Integrate physiotherapy practice in selecte populations 特定人群综合理疗实践

physiotherapy practice in complex health care issues 理疗在综合医疗问题中的实践


Semester 1 physiotherapy clinical practice1 理疗临床实践 1

physiotherapy clinical practice2 理疗临床实践 2

physiotherapy clinical practice3 理疗临床实践 3

Semester 2 physiotherapy clinical practice3 理疗临床实践 4

physiotherapy clinical practice3 理疗临床实践 5

physiotherapy clinical practice3 理疗临床实践 6

professional physiotherapy practice 专业理疗实践

