

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-06-05 10:08





1.阿伯丁大学医学院(University of Aberdeen School of Medicine)

2.巴斯大学医学院(University of Bath School of Medicine)

3.伯明翰大学医学院(University of Birmingham School of Medicine)

4.布拉德福德大学健康学院(University of Bradford Faculty of Health Studies)

5.布里斯托大学医学院(University of Bristol Medical School)

6.剑桥大学医学院(University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine)

7.坎特伯雷基督教会医学院(Canterbury Christ Church University School of Medicine)

8.中央兰开夏大学医学院(University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine)

9.查尔斯 狄更斯大学医学院(Charles Dickens University School of Medicine)

10.德比大学健康与自然科学学院(University of Derby College of Health & Natural Sciences)

11.东安格利亚大学医学院(East Anglia University School of Medicine)

12.艾克赖尔德和艾伦学院医学院(Aycliffe & Alan College School of Medicine)

13.埃克塞特大学医学院(University of Exeter Medical School)

14.格拉斯哥大学医学院(University of Glasgow School of Medicine)

15.吉尔福德大学健康研究学院(University of Guildford Surrey Health Research & Enterprise Centre)

16.卡迪夫大学医学院(Cardiff University School of Medicine)

17.利兹大学医学院(University of Leeds School of Medicine)

18.利物浦大学医学院(University of Liverpool School of Medicine)

19.伦敦大学医学院(University of London Medical School)

20.曼切斯特大学医学院(University of Manchester School of Medicine)

21.纽卡斯尔大学医学院(University of Newcastle Medical School)

22.诺丁汉大学医学院(University of Nottingham Medical School)

23.牛津大学医学院(University of Oxford Medical School)

24.普利茅斯大学卫生科学学院(University of plymouth Faculty of Health & Human Sciences)

25.皇后玛丽医学院(Queen Mary University of London Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry)

26.谢菲尔德大学医学院(University of Sheffield Medical School)

27.索尔福德大学医学院(University of Salford School of Medicine)

28.圣安德鲁斯大学医学院(University of St Andrews School of Medicine)

29.圣乔治大学医学院(St George’s University of London School of Medicine)

30.斯特拉斯克莱德大学医学院(University of Strathclyde School of Medicine)

31.苏塞克斯大学医学院(University of Sussex School of Medicine)

32.斯旺西大学医学院(Swansea University School of Medicine)

33.瓦伦西亚学院(Valencia College)




