

  • 贺老师
  • 2024-10-23 03:30












而且加州大学这九所公立大学相当傲娇,不但不和其他学校共用Common App系统,主文书还比人家多了三篇,需要从八个话题中选择四个话题作答。



Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others,helped resolve disputes,or contributed to group efforts over time.(请举例说明你的领导经历,在这些经历中,你对他人产生了积极的影响,帮助解决了争议,或为团队的努力做出了贡献。)


Three thousand,four hundred and seventy one dollars.That was the bill for the hotel room expenses alone for our thirty member excursion.And those were the least of my worries for the weekend.Between drilling wood pieces into a working frame for Air Trajectory and tying a knot in floss to build a pendulum,I was running down the halls,talking to worried parents on the phone,anatomy textbook in hand.The other captains study while I ensure everyone eats dinner and sleeps by 2am,responsible as the school’s sole legal representative for ensuring typical high school shenanigans of music blasting didn’t manifest into real danger.Despite the challenges,I love how self-sufficient we are.North Hollywood students are greeted with an association of,“Aren’t you that school that crushes us in Science Olympiad?”followed by a joking,“Stop!”We don’t have a single adult teaching us,whether in learning to use power tools or conducting flame tests.

As the only member of the Science Olympiad team with four years of experience,I carry weight with seniority and position,but also a nostalgia for friendships dimmed as team members graduate.When others concentrated solely on performing well at competition,I couldn’t disagree however heart-wrenching it felt--but I wanted a strong team dynamic,a home for us at school.So I worked on producing it,forming mentorship programs,pairing up freshmen with upperclassmen in events.Whether teaching about mosquito reproduction in standing water or the equivalent of a statistics course I had yet to take,my own enthusiasm seeping into a bobbing ponytail,all I hope for is a continuation of the“FamilyOly”I’ve grown to love.

Science Olympiad was a microcosm of the larger school,where competition ran in the very veins of the institution.But to me,it had become a family evolving with my role,from the little sister of the team to finally the senior captain.

(翻译仅供大致参考:三千四百七十一美元。这是我们三十名会员出游时的住宿费单。这些都是我周末最不担心的事。我一边在“空气轨迹”(Air Trajectory)的工作框架上钻木块,一边在牙线上打结做一个钟摆,一边在走廊里跑着,手里拿着解剖学课本,和忧心忡忡的家长们通电话。其他队长负责学习,而我则确保每个人在凌晨2点前吃完饭和睡觉,作为学校唯一的法定代表负责确保典型的高中音乐爆炸恶作剧不会酿成真正的危险。尽管有这些挑战,我喜欢我们的自给自足。北好莱坞的学生们会受到这样一个协会的欢迎:“你们不就是在奥林匹克科学竞赛中打败我们的那所学校吗?”接着是一句开玩笑的话:“停!”无论是学习使用电动工具还是进行火焰测试,我们都没有一个成年人教我们。美国留学文书







Every person has a creative side,and it can be expressed in many ways:problem solving,original and innovative thinking,and artistically,to name a few.Describe how you express your creative side.(每个人都有创造性的一面,它可以通过多种方式表现出来:解决问题、原创和创新思维、艺术创作等等。描述一下你是如何表达你的创造力的?)


440 Hz exactly.The flames flare to life,forming the perfect wave length as I transitioned from note to note,the curves transitioning along.My classmates crowded around as I sang(shouted?)into the Ruben’s tube,a simple pVC pipe with holes cut at even intervals so that high notes translated to beautiful waves of flames.

The fight to get a vocal teacher in the first place was an uphill run.Singing,unlike playing the piano or learning to draw,wasn’t deemed worthy of spending money on-wasn’t even seen as a skill.After multiple pitches,I finally got my way,just a foot in the door:one month.

It was an odd request from a girl raised to be stringent with money,knowing that a few hours of lessons was equivalent to a new pair of tennis shoes to replace her mother’s long-broken in ones.It started with a classmate’s hate list-number 1?Me.For my voice--the single-most confusing criterion.I couldn’t change my speaking voice.But in an environment which valued acapellas and Barbershop choirs,singing-singing I could improve on.

Six years later,I’m still driving down to lessons every week.I haven’t performed outside of karaokes,I haven’t released recordings to the public,and there’s no record of my voice anywhere in the public eye.But years of vocal exercises and training has done so much for me,even outside of music in strengthening tone and amplitude.

It wasn’t until high school that I could reap the benefits,not byway of choir,but through debate.Walking into round meant adopting an entirely new persona,a thick-skinned,articulate force to be reckoned with.Crossfire was my time to shine,to show how I could twist their arguments to fit my logic,and win.My best tournament came with a topic that coincided with my interests-genetically modified foods.In wielding knowledge of biology,from the damages of fertilizer to individual agricultural efficiency methods,we not only won all rounds undefeated,but managed to score the top speaker position and of course a trophy to signify my newly-found voice.

I remember standing in an half empty auditorium,standing far away from the students,pitching my virtues as a secretary for a middle school honor society.My arguments were sound,as the first row of students mentioned to me later,nodding along.But with the counselor repeating,like an endless drone-speak louder,yell-the simple repetition of my spiel simply lost its use.I sat down with never-mind-eyes cast to the floor,withdrawing from the election.










What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?(你认为你最大的天赋或技能是什么?随着时间的推移,你是如何培养和展示这种才能的?)


My chest is burning,my eyes are stinging,and my legs are numb.A thousand thoughts are passing through my brain,but I cannot grasp any of them.All I can do is keep pushing forward.Strangely enough,it is this moment when I feel most alive and connected with the universe.This is my life under water.I have been a swimmer since I was eight years old,for both a swim club and a high school team.In the water,the stress and anxiety from school fades away,allowing me to relax in peace and tranquility.

The best swimmers are 5'10"with broad shoulders and huge feet.These characteristics are advantages during competitions because the athletes are able to move faster in the pool without being pushed back by the waves.I am not a typical swimmer.I am half-Black and half-Mexican,topping out at a whopping 5'0".My skills are not Olympic-bound,but I am passionate about the sport despite the fact that I initially felt like an outlier.

Even though I used to get lonely when swimming,I found a huge amount of joy in being a part of the sport at my high school.Our team started off with only six members,most of whom had never even been to a swim meet before.Eventually we gained enough participants and experience to compete against other schools.We were neither the largest nor the fastest team,but I did not care.I had finally found a group of people I connected with.More importantly,I found a group with whom I could share my passion.The daily routine of striving to perfect our techniques formed a bond between us that resulted in the sense of a family.I felt honored when I was chosen as captain and MVp;however,my deepest honor was simply having opportunity to join the team.

After I graduate,I hope that the swim team continues to prosper.Then,maybe it will become another young girl's safe haven,the way the sport has always been mine.








What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?(你做了什么让你的学校或社区变得更好?)


“Hi,this is Teen Line,what’s bothering you tonight?”That simple phrase rings through the tiny room,merely enough space for a few desks and chairs.On one end of the line is a teenager,sharing stories of anything from the dark dread of depression and anxiety to a plea for a savior from the downward spiral of suicide.A tearful voice,desperate for help-a girl barely in high school,suffering at the hands of her“friends”and on the brink of suicide,complete with a plan to choke herself with a dog leash.

It’s another hard-hitting story for the night,one that affects all the listeners in the room.But by the end of the hour,we’ve not only managed to get her resources like the National Suicide Hotline,but also managed to get her laughing.It’s a skill that is extremely hard to master,to put aside your fears of failure and empathize.To move from a situation edging on a police call to one with a girl singing songs and laughing at jokes is a seemingly impossible feat that the volunteers at Teen Line must perform every shift,one that takes a lot of inner strength.

For me,entering Teen Line was an odd activity for a family whose culture did not center around talking out feelings.Yet,I specifically sought out a suicide hotline in which a high schooler could participate;it was my chance to give back,to listen and hopefully guide those who were willing to seek help,an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on.It was an opportunity to do for others what I could not obtain for myself,and for that I am grateful.Whether calls from low-income neighborhoods of the nearby Los Angeles to international Skypes of New Zealand and India,never have I felt more productive.The end of a shift always left me with the same satisfied feeling of knowing that someone who needed to be heard was acknowledged,just a small rippling effect on one caller leaving a lifetime’s worth of impression.(翻译仅供大致参考:“嗨,我是Teen Line,今晚有什么烦心事吗?”这句简单的话在狭小的房间里回荡,空间只够放几张桌子和椅子。电话的另一端是一个十几岁的少年,他分享着各种各样的故事,从抑郁和焦虑的黑暗恐惧,到祈求救世主将自己从自杀的恶性循环中拯救出来。一个含泪的声音,绝望地寻求帮助——一个高中女孩,在她的“朋友”的手中遭受痛苦,濒临自杀的边缘,并计划用狗链勒死自己。

这是今晚另一个震撼人心的故事,它影响着在场的所有听众。但在这一小时结束的时候,我们不仅设法让她得到了一些资源,比如国家自杀热线,还设法让她笑了起来。这是一项很难掌握的技能,要把人对失败的恐惧放在一边,移情。从接到报警电话的边缘,到一个女孩一边唱歌一边听着笑话大笑的边缘,似乎是一件不可能的事情,青少年线(Teen Line)的志愿者必须完成每一个轮班,这需要很大的内在力量。文书写作

对我来说,对于一个文化不以倾诉情感为中心的家庭来说,进入“Teen Line”是一项奇怪的活动。然而,我特意找了一条高中生可以参与的自杀热线;这是我回馈社会的机会,倾听那些愿意寻求帮助的人,并满怀希望地引导他们,给他们一个倾听的耳朵和一个可以依靠的肩膀。这是一个为别人做自己无法得到的事情的机会,为此我很感激。无论是和洛杉矶附近的低收入社区打电话还是新西兰和印度的国际skype电话,我从未感到如此高效。每次换班结束时,我都会有一种满足感,因为我知道,那些需要被倾听的人得到了承认,只是一个小小的涟漪效应,就会给一个打电话的人留下一生难忘的印象。










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