
marketing analytics essay论文指导

  • 贺老师
  • 2024-10-23 01:46

marketing analytics专业在今天美国或者中国来说都是比较热门的专业,美国的很多大学开设有此课程,如:华大圣路易斯大学罗切斯特大学马里兰大学帕克分校等等,还有比较相近的如商业分析和数据分析也是就业比较好的专业,而市场分析专业的话可选择的留学名校就更多了,下面留求艺小编先来为大家介绍一下什么是Marketing Analytics。

marketing analytics essay论文指导

什么是Marketing Analytics(MA)市场分析?


Marketing Analytics(MA)学习内容有哪些?

从开设市场分析专业的学校课程设置来看,MA 学习的主要内容包含:市场营销、消费者行为学、客户关系管理、社交媒体广告等,数据分析:统计学、数据处理软件SQL、SAS、SpSS、R语言等、数据可视化等。MA专业,简单地理解,就是通过两者结合:通过数据了解客户的需求。

Marketing Analytics(MA)主要工作内容是什么?

MA 就是要通过分析一系列的相关数据(包括销售趋势、顾客资料数据如性别、年龄、购买习惯等),帮助公司决定以什么价格,向哪些客户,销售哪些产品和服务,总体来说可以分为三部分:







Marketing Analytics(MA)就业前景如何?


缺乏统计、数据分析知识的Marketing专业可能会不知道该怎么去分析;同时统计专业的同学对分析实验结果很在行,但对商业运作和市场营销 却一窍不通;所以该项目的推出通过商科与数据的结合体完美地解决了这个难题,在未来的就业前景广阔。


Northwestern University

MC专业Marketing Analytics方向,Medill学院

University of Georgia

Marketing Research专业,Terry商学院

Rochester University

Marketing Analytics专业,Simon商学院

Bentley University

Marketing Analytics专业,属于STEM

New York University

Marketing Analytics专业

Washington University in St.Louis

Customer Analytics专业,Olin商学院

marketing analytics essay案例

(1) Describe methods you would use to analyze one of these three different markets: consumer,industrial or international markets. What challenges would you face to ensure accurate data gathering in the market and what recommendations would you make to overcome those challenges?

The consumer market is showing rapid change as it moves increasingly to

social media

,digital multi-channel platforms,and inbound marketing. In response to this change,a key issue in market research and

marketing research

is the adequacy and accuracy of user-generated content. User-generated content includes the feedback and input from consumers in forums,blogs,and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Mobile marketing and mobile advertising are variables that have great potential to substantively impact data quality. Mobile marketing and mobile advertising are characterized by the attributes of immediacy and focus (Richmond,Mobile Marketing Secrets Revealed,p. 14). Each of these variables is both a benefit and a challenge to the marketer and to the advertiser.

The immediacy of mobile marketing is that consumers respond to marketing campaigns and advertisements in real time. The benefit of being able to measure consumer response to mobile marketing efforts is readily apparent. What may be less obvious is that immediacy is the norm on mobile digital platforms,which can detract from any sense that the advertisements are unique (Richmond,Mobile Marketing Secrets Revealed,p. 7). Further,in the mobile environment,marketing information is typically transient,leaving nothing behind with the consumer in the manner of more traditional advertising or marketing efforts. One solution to the particular attributes of mobile marketing is the practice of wait marketing. Wait marketing assumes that the time that consumers spend waiting for something is an optimal time to market to them (Derval,Is It the Right Time? Wait Marketing,p. 31). "There are multiple waiting times," wrote Dr. Derval. "The objective of Wait Marketing is to identify the best one for a specific persona based on the behavior,preferences,and contour" (Derval,Is It the Right Time? Wait Marketing,p. 15).

The focus of mobile marketing is necessarily limited by the technology,and further limited by the attention of the user of the mobile digital device. The benefit of having a more condensed focus in mobile marketing is that analysis will be facilitated -- there will be fewer intervening variables that can cloud the analysis of the consumers' response to the advertisement or marketing efforts. The drawback to a limited marketing focus is that the marketer is challenged to select a focus that is most likely to appeal to the

target market

,and a marketing


must issue only small bits at a time of what could conceivably be a more complex marketing campaign. What happens if the marketer chooses the wrong focus? This challenge can best be addressed by conducting pre-campaign or pre-launch market research as a pilot test with a select group of consumers.


Derval,D. (2009). Wait Marketing: Is it the Right Time? Amsterdam,Netherlands: Derval Research.

以上就是对Marketing Analytics的专业介绍以及Marketing Analytics essay 写作的论文案例,希望对您有所版主,更多Marketing Analytics的介绍论文写作指导,可以加留求艺留学老师的微信,一对一进行论文指导,帮助你顺利留学。


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