

  • 贺老师
  • 2024-10-22 23:34

ACT官网上放出了一道作文样题(Intelligent machines)和6篇不同分数段的范文,官网满分范文却换成了一篇五段式结构的文章。这篇满分作文就language use下面附的评语是“precise vocabulary and a variety of clear sentence structures reflect advanced skill in the use of language”。对于语言表达欠佳的同学来说,这篇范文提供了一篇非常好的仿写素材。


首先,我们结合一个倒装句看看如何在文中体现“advanced skill in the use of language”:

Not only does the preference of the mechanical over the natural interfere with the job market and the economy,but its use also has the potential to seriously degrade our culture as a whole.(这个句子出现在满分作文的conclusion中,对于正文第一段和第二段intelligent machines的两个弊端进行了总结,可见not only…but also的句型是一个非常切实好用的总结句)

这个句子使用的是部分倒装结构,没有倒装之前的语序是The preference of the mechanical over the natural not only interferes with the job market and the economy,but its use also has the potential to seriously degrade our culture as a whole.

也就是说,当not only放在句首时,not only所在的这部分需要进行部分倒装,也就是说将谓语的一部分如助动词did/does/do或情态动词倒装至主语之前。(but also后无需倒装)。下面我们举个例子:


未倒装的语序:University education not only marks the starting line of adulthood,but it also prepares students for future challenges in society.

那么如何将这个句子进行倒装呢?第一步:我们把not only放在句首;第二步:university education marks倒装为does university education mark(一般现在时的话,助动词do/does提前,一般过去时的话,did提前,后面动词采用原形),于是我们就有了下面这个句子:

Not only does university education mark the starting line of adulthood,but it also prepares students for future challenges in society.


1. 老师们不仅可以通过学习收获新知识与更先进的教学技巧,而且还有机会与同行们交流。

Not only could new knowledge and more advanced teaching skills be gained in class,teachers are also endowed with the opportunity to exchange thoughts with their counterparts.

2. 完善医保不仅符合人民的根本利益,而且有助于增强一个国家的国力。

Not only does perfecting health care comply with the essential interests of people,but also helps strengthen the national power of the country.

3. 参加丰富多彩的体育运动不仅使身体收益,而且还能学到人生的道理。

As far as I am concerned,does participating in various sports benefit people physically,but also teaches people lessons about life.

4. 由于生活在当今社会现实所给予的空前压力之下,人们理当为自己保留一段安静的时刻。这不仅有利于保持工作与休息间的良性平衡,而且还能使其在精神上和生理上双重收益。

Living under the unprecedented pressure from current social realities,one should reserve a quiet moment. Not only will it help one keep a good balance between work and rest,but also it can also further benefit him both spiritually and physically.

5. 盗版不仅给电影制片人造成了严重损失,而且从长远来看也损害了大众的基本利益。

Not only does piracy cause heavy losses to movie producers,but also harms the basic interests of the masses in the long run.




  • acT考试是啥 - ACT考试简介



