
Referencing在academic writing中的使用

  • 贺老师
  • 2024-10-23 19:24

You need to include information to tell your reader where your ideas came from whether you are using direct or indirect quotation. You provide this information in two places: in your text and in your list of references at the end of your assignment.

Referencing在academic writing中的使用

Reference的使用是为了告诉读者我们的文章中的某些信息使用了其他研究者的研究结果。使用reference是学术写作的惯例,大多数的文章在评分标准里面会给出明确的相关要求。如果不能正确的进行reference,会导致论文面临academic misconduct的问题,轻者论文不及格需要重做,严重的话会被退学。可以通过直接的quotation或者间接的paraphrase的方式进行引用。Reference在academic writing中的体现在两个位置:文章中和文章结尾的文献列表中。

直接引用是将其他研究者的研究结论原文原句的引用到我们自己的文章中,这个时候需要对引用的部分加上引号,如何引用内容比较长,需要在文章中进行缩进。以下是direct quotation的example:

1. Jones (1986) argues that ‘children would learn as much if they never attended school’ (p. 42).

2. Stephens (1998,p. 39) argues for a relationship between schooling and literacy:

The remarkable relative improvement in female literacy rates in the Victorian period is attributable to changes in the education of girls and in female employment. By the 1860s in Scotland,outside the industrial areas,girls were being taught to write more often than previously,and … they were staying at school almost as long as boys and in some places longer.


3. Jones (1986) argues that schools do not add to children’s learning.

4. Scholars continue to debate plowden’s contribution to the contemporary education system (Wragg,1981).


5. Studies show that women phD students are extremely vulnerable to harassment from their more powerful supervisors (Leonard,1999,cited in Rose,2001).



当研究者在句子中做主语时,我们在后面常常会加上reporting verb去引出后面的观点。学术写作中报告动作的恰当使用也是很重要的,可以帮助研究者表达恰当的态度。比如tentative,neutral和strong的态度立场。下面有一些例子

我们需要选择合适的reporting verb。

A bibliography is a list of the full details of the sources you have used in your writing. You should provide a bibliography at the end of each of your assignments. please note the following key facts about bibliographies.

在文献结尾的文献列表中,我们需要列出我们文章中引用的文献的详细信息。在reference list中,文献标注有两个步骤,第一步要先分清我们所引用的文章类别,some common types of sources:


• A book

6. Rousseau,J-J. (1762) Emile. Harmondsworth: penguin.

• A chapter from an edited book

7. Standish,p. (2006) ‘Moral education and the limits of a liberal education’,in Gur-Ze’ev,I. and Roth,K. (eds) Education in an era of globalisation. London: Springer,pp. 33-50.

• An article from a journal

8. Wallace,C. (2005) ‘Conversations around the literacy hour in a multilingual London primary school’,Language and Education,19(4),pp. 23–34

• A paper from the Internet

9. Department for Education (2012) The National Curriculum for England 2014. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-foreducation/series/nationalcurriculum (Accessed on 20th September 2013)

怎么样,你学会了吗?需要注意的是,以上文献标注方法是以Harvard referencing system为例来讲,不同的标注体系略有不同,但哈弗标注体系是比较被普遍认可的标注体系。另外,在文献标注中,格式很重要哦!


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Referencing在academic writing中的使用的相关文章
  • APA7th引用示例:Referencing指南



