

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-22 21:36

作为英国九大公学之一,麦钱特泰勒斯公学以浓厚的学术氛围和在体育领域方面超卓的表现而闻名。该校除了有非常完善的教学设施之外,学术成绩也十分优异,每年有大约12%的学生升读牛剑,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一道门槛,那么,问题来了,麦钱特泰勒斯公学Merchant Taylor’s School 11+入学考试都考些什么?有哪些题型可供参考?接下来,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助:






This extract is from Tunnels by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams. In this passage, Will and Chester are exploring a strange, underground city they have discovered when they are captured by strangers.

Read the passage carefully all the way through and then answer the questions that follow in the answer booklet.

1. Put the following events in the order in which they occur in the extract. Number them from one to five, where one happens first and five happens last.

2. Look at lines 1­8. In your own words, explain how the boys feel as they explore the underground city.

3. The writer describes Chester’s feelings about the place in line 8: ‘All his instincts were screaming that they should turn back.’ What kind of picture does this line create in your mind?

4. What do you think the writer means in line 3 when he says that the boys were ‘soaking up the strangeness of the ancient shops’?

5. Circle the word or phrase which has the closest meaning to ‘repugnance’ (line 1)

Disgust Confusion Bitterness Pity Hatred

6. Carefully read lines 10­14. Explain how the writer creates an atmosphere of shock and confusion here. Include two quotes from these lines in your answer.

7. Explain in your own words how Will and Chester are captured.

8. Think of two words that, in your opinion, best describe the attack on the boys. Give credit for any two sensible suggestions

9. Look back at the whole passage. Find three points in the text where the writer creates a sinister or frightening atmosphere for the reader. For each example, give the line(s) you have chosen and explain how the writer makes it a scary moment.

SECTION 2: Composition – 30 Minutes

Write in full sentences and organise your work into paragraphs. Marks are available for accurate spelling and punctuation. You should spend time planning and checking your work. Choose one of the following ideas:


1) What happens next?

Carry on from where the Tunnels extract finishes. Start with the line, ‘His whole being emanated evil and his dark eyes never left Will’s, who felt a wave of dread wash over him’ and continue the story. You don’t have to end the story? write 3­4 detailed paragraphs in which you describe what happens next.


2) An interesting or unusual place I have visited. Write an article for your school magazine about an interesting place you have visited recently. You might like to explain what you found different or unusual about the place, what kinds of things you saw and experienced and the impact the place had on you. Remember that you are writing for people of your own age.


3) An Encounter with a Villain. Write an account in which you encounter a villainous character. You should make up details about his/her appearance, their character, and what they say and do. Try to use description to entertain and excite the reader.


4) A Mysterious Discovery. You discovered something very strange on your way home from school yesterday. Write a letter to your friend in which you explain what you found in detail: where you were, what happened, how you felt and what you did.


1. (a) Draw all of the lines of symmetry on the following shape.

(b) How many lines of symmetry has the shape below?

Answer: …………………………….…………………

(c) Draw a shape with exactly four lines of symmetry in the space below.

2. (a) Write in digits the number seventy three thousand and forty six.


(b) Write the answer to the sum of two hundred and six plus two thousand three hundred and twenty in words.



From the numbers in the box above write down:

(a) A multiple of 7:


(b) A square number:


(c) The product of two of the other numbers in the box:


4. (a) Calculate the angles marked ?? and ?? in the diagram below:

(b) Calculate the angles marked ??, ??, ??, ?? and ?? in the diagram below:

5. (a) Sean scored 27 out of 45 in a test. Write this as a percentage.


(b) In a class of 30 pupils, 21 are girls. What percentage of the class is boys?


(c) Write 0.8 as a fraction in its simplest form.


(d) Write 85% as a fraction in its lowest terms.


(e) Rearrange the following in order of size, smallest to largest.


6. Sarah sat by the river Thames and recorded the number of cyclists that passed by every minute. She plotted a bar chart of her results.

(a) What was the largest number of cyclists to pass in one minute?


(b) What was the most frequent number of cyclists per minute?


(c) For how many minutes, in total, was Sarah recording cyclists?


Sarah now continues to count the number of cyclists for the next 3 minutes. The number of cyclists were: 1, 4, 1.

(d) Add this data to the bar chart above.

7. A gardener measures the night time temperatures over two evenings and records the results in the table shown below:

(a) At what time and on which day was the lowest temperature recorded?


(b) What was the difference between the lowest and highest temperature on Tuesday?


(c) He realises his thermometer is recording incorrectly and that each temperature should be 5℃ lower than was recorded. What is the correct temperature at 1am on Monday?


(d) On Wednesday the forecast is for all temperatures to drop by 3℃ from what they were on Tuesday. Bearing in mind his thermometer is broken, what will the actual temperature be on Wednesday at 2am?


8. Solve the following equations:

(a) 3?? = 36

Answer: ?? =………………

(b) ?? + 7 = −15

Answer: ?? =……………….

(c) 4?? − 2 = 14

Answer: ?? =………………

9. On the grid below draw the reflection of the shape shown in the mirror line AB:

10. Write the next two terms in each of the following sequences:

(a) 5, 11, 17, 23, ………, ……..

(b) 10, 7, 4, 1, …….., ……….

(c) 2, 8, 32, 128, ……., …….

11. The perimeter of a rectangle is 22cm. One of the sides has length 8cm. Calculate the lengths of the other three sides.

Answer………………cm, ……………….cm, and ……………..cm

12. Estimate the following by first rounding each number to the nearest whole number:

(a) 9.47 × 34.5


(b) 3.752 − 11.63 × 2.87


13. (a) Explain why 91 is not a prime number.


(b) What is the 7th prime number?


14. The contents of part of a wardrobe are shown in the pie chart below:

What fraction, in its simplest form, of Footwear are boots?

Answer: …………………

15. (a) Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 66 and 30.


(b) Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 8.


16. Fazal has £2.60 and Gareth has £5.30. Gareth gives Fazal some 5p coins. Each boy now has the same amount of money. How many 5p coins did Gareth give Fazal?

Answer: ………………

17. Circle the most appropriate unit of measure for the following:

(i) The length of an airplane

Answer: millimetres kilometres centimetres metres

(ii) The weight of a cat

Answer: ounces tons pounds stones

(iii) The capacity of a bath

Answer: pints gallons fluid ounces millilitres

18. A box of celebrations contains one Twix, one Snickers, one Milky Way, and ten Bounty chocolates. Jane chooses a chocolate at random. Put a ring around the correct answer in the list to show the probability that the chocolate will be:

(a) A Bounty

Answer: impossible unlikely even chance likely certain

(b) A Twix

Answer: impossible unlikely even chance likely certain

(c) A Galaxy

Answer: impossible unlikely even chance likely certain

19. (a) Which is the greater?

3 × 23 or 2 × 32


(b) By how much?


(c) Write down two cube numbers which are also square numbers.

Answer:………… and ……………




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