

  • 留学时区
  • 2024-10-22 23:50

英国私校常常被冠以贵族学校、精英学校的头衔,博耐顿女校一直被认为是英国领先的寄宿制私立女校,该校培养了很多精英女性,包括皇室贵族、记者、奥林匹克运动员等等,比如约旦公主Basma bint Talal、运动员Georgina Harland、记者Penny Junor、演员Rachel Weisz、企业家Amber Atherton等等。因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一个环节,下面,小编就为大家带来了博耐顿女校Benenden School 14+入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:



Question 1

Read the following poem and answer the question that follows.

Question 2

This is a creative writing assignment.

Write a short story with the title “I’ll Take it Any Day”.

This can be based on a real experience or it could be entirely imaginary. The essential aim is to describe events in as much detail as possible so that your reader can picture them vividly.

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in Question 2 so remember to focus on things such as paragraphing, spelling and written accuracy in your writing.

Answer booklet








1. If e = - 5, f = 7 and g = 8, find the value of:

(a) fg - e


(b) e2 + g


2. Work out:

3. (a) Mimi and Lindi each bought a dress in a sale.

Mimi’s cost £65.45 and Lindi’s cost £52.65.

Their mother had given them each two £50 notes and they were asked to give all the change back to their mother.

What was the total amount of money their mother received?


(b) Ben and Martin took their families and some friends to the theme park.

Ben bought 8 tickets for a roller-coaster ride, at £5.60 each.

Martin paid for 14 children to go on the Dodgem Cars and he paid exactly the same total amount as Ben did.

What was the price of each Dodgem Car ticket?


4. Arrange the following in order of size, largest to smallest:


5. Write down the values of angles a, b, c and d in the following diagrams. EFGH, PR and QS are all straight lines

(The diagrams are not drawn to scale)

6. Solve these equations:

(a) 5 ( 2y - 1 ) - 3y = 19 - y



Aisha has eight numbered cards which she turns over so that the numbers cannot be seen.

She asks Sally to select one at random.

Write down the probability that Sally takes:

8. Teri is designing a vegetable garden.

The diagram shows the shape and dimensions of the garden.

(The diagram is not drawn to scale)

(a) Teri wants to put a lattice border around the garden.

How many metres of the lattice bordering material does she need to buy?


(b) Fertilser costs £2. 50 per bag. Each bag covers 6 square metres of ground.

What will Teri have to pay if she buys the number of bags she needs, so that her whole vegetable plot is fertilised?


9. Annabel and Jack have a competition. They record the number of apples they can pick in ten minutes, on seven separate occasions.

These are the results:

Work out:

(a) the mean number of apples for each child

Annabel : …………………………………..

Jack : ………………………………….

(b) the median for each

Annabel : ………………………………….

Jack : ………………………………….

(c) the range for each

Annabel : ………………………………..

Jack : ……………………………….

(d) Who do you think won the competition? Give a reason for your answer.


10. Farmer Brown had 4 500 sheep in 2017.

(a) He increased his herd by 15% in 2018.

How many sheep did he have in 2018?


(b) By 2020 there were 8 000 sheep on Farmer Brown’s herd.

Write down the ratio, in its simplest form:

the number of sheep in 2018 : the number of sheep in 2020.


(c) Farmer Brown wants to divide up his sheep into three areas of his farm, in the ratio

4 : 5 : 7

How many sheep would be moved into each region?


【微语】你踏上异国的土地, 追逐梦想的翅膀, 愿风总是顺着你的方向, 让每一步都充满力量。



  • 耐顿女校

    创建年份:1923年 学校性质:全寄宿女校 学生年龄:11-18岁,包括GCSE课程(初中部)和A-LEVEL课...


