

  • 学到留学
  • 2024-10-22 23:34

作为一所拥有着450多年历史的私立男校,汤布里奇公学是一所集古典与现代为一体的私立中学,不仅拥有着浓郁的学术氛围,而且还一直被誉为是英国的“小剑桥”。多年来,牛剑录取率一直稳定在20%左右,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是入读私校笔试是必经的一项考核,下面,小编就为大家带来了汤布里奇公学Tonbridge school 11+入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:




1. The bar chart shows the number of pupils in the four year 7 classes at a certain school.

a) How many girls in class 7D?

Answer: _______________

b) How many boys in total in all four classes?

Answer: ________________

c) What is the ratio of boys to girls in class 7B? Give your answer in its simplest form.

Answer: _____:_____

2. Four friends are shopping in their local supermarket.

a) Anton buys a chocolate bar for £0.84 and a can of drink for £0.78. How much do they cost in total?

Answer: £ __________________

b) Boris buys a tube of suncream that costs £8.62. How much change does he receive from a £10 note?

Answer: £ __________________

c) Bottles of vintage lemonade cost £1.37. Charles buys 5 of these. What is the total cost?

Answer: £ _________________

d) Danny buys six doughnuts which cost a total of £2.76. How much does each doughnut cost?

Answer: _________________ p

3. Calculate

a) 4 + 5 × 3 − 2

Answer: _________________

b) 3 × 22

Answer: _________________

4. From the list of numbers: 5, 6, 8, 23, 27, 45, 72

(You may use each number more than once or not at all)

a) A factor of 12

Answer: _________________

b) A multiple of 15

Answer: _________________

c) A prime number bigger than 10

Answer: _________________


a) Write 0.2 as a fraction in its lowest terms.

Answer: _________________

b) Write these numbers in order from the smallest to the largest:

Answer: __________, __________, ________, _________

6. A packet of sweets contains 15 red, 25 blue and 10 green. A larger packet of sweets has the colours in the same ratio and contains 22 green. How many blue are there in the larger packet.

Answer: _________________

7. The number of goals scored by a Tonbridge hockey team in their four matches last season were: 4, 6, 1, 6

a) Find the mean number of goals scored.

Answer: _________________

b) Find the median number of goals scored.

Answer: _________________

c) What is the range of the number of goals scored?

Answer: _________________

8. If ?? = 3, ?? = 5 and ?? = −2, find the value of;

a) ????2

Answer: _________________

b) (????)2

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

9. Calculate, giving your answers as fractions or mixed numbers;

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

10. Simplify

a) 7?? − 4?? + 2?? − ??

Answer: _________________

b) 3?? × ??2

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

Answer: _________________

e) 3 − 2(?? − 1)

Answer: _________________


Section A

Argue against one of the following statements:

a) ‘Aliens do not exist.’

b) ‘Friends are more important than family.’

c) ‘Some triangles can have four sides.’

d) ‘Humans and animals are equal.’

e) ‘Stealing is always wrong.’

Section B

Write a short story on one of the following topics:

a) The other side of the mirror

b) My great grandmother

c) The walk along the motorway

Concentrate more on description and characterisation than fitting in a complicated plot. It’s fine if only one thing happens, as long as you describe it, and how it makes your character feel, in an interesting way!

Section C

Read this extract from Simon Schama’s A History of Britain.

In your own words summarise Schama’s argument.

Historians like a quiet life, and usually they get it. For the most part, history moves at a deliberate pace, working its changes subtly and incrementally. Nations and their institutions harden into shape or crumble away like sediment carried by the flow of a sluggish river. But there are moments when history is unsubtle; when changes arrive in a violent rush, decisive, bloody, traumatic; as a truck-load of trouble, wiping out everything that gives a culture its bearings –custom, language, law and loyalty. 1066 was one of those moments.

It is certainly true that, for the majority of the population of Anglo-Saxon England (let alone the rest of Britain), 1066 was mostly a matter of exchanging lords. The slaves at the bottom of AngloSaxon society who could be bought and sold could hardly have cared less what language their masters spoke. Peasants ploughed their fields, fed swill to their pigs, prayed to avoid poverty and pestilence and watched the seasons roll around.

It is true that every spring, the grass came up green again. But in 1066 there were bones under the buttercups and the entire governing class of Anglo-Saxon England, some 4000 to 5000 lords, had been made to vanish and power, wealth, men and beasts had been given to foreigners. You could survive and still be English. You could even speak the language. But politically you were now a member of an inferior race. You lived in England, but it was no longer your country.






