
Alevel经济学知识点 汇率rate浮动的优势劣势在哪里

  • 有知留学
  • 2024-10-23 02:00


Alevel经济学知识点 汇率rate浮动的优势劣势在哪里


Exchange Rate 汇率:The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. 一种货币可以兑换成另一种货币的汇率。

Types of exchange rates 汇率的类型:

1.A Floating Exchange Rate System 浮动汇率制度

This is determined by market forces. If demand for the currency rises, this will raise the exchange rate where as if the supply of the currency increases; the exchange rate will fall in value. In a floating exchange rate thePurchasing Power Parity (PPP)should apply. This states that the price of one good should cost the same price as the same good in another country. This is because the exchange rate should adjust until a unit of currency can buy exactly the same amount of goods and services as a unit of another currency.


·Advantages of a Floating Exchange Rate System 浮动汇率制度的优势

1. The exchange rate will automatically adjust so that supply of a currency will equal demand, this will eliminate balance of payments deficits or surpluses without any government intervention. For example, if imports rise then so will the supply of the pound leading to a fall in the exchange rate. If the pound falls then exports will become more competitive and imports will become less competitive therefore there will be no more deficit. 汇率将自动调整,使货币的供应量等于需求量,这将消除国际收支的赤字或盈余,而不需要任何政府干预。例如,如果进口增加,那么英镑的供应也会增加,导致汇率下降。如果英镑下跌,那么出口将变得更有竞争力,进口将变得更没有竞争力,因此将不再有赤字。

2. The country operating with this exchange rate will not need a central bank to keep foreign reserves. 采用这种汇率的国家将不需要中央银行来保持外汇储备。

3. As no government intervention is needed then it means that they can pursue their own domestic policies. 由于不需要政府干预,这意味着他们可以推行自己的国内政策。

4. Reduces imported inflation, this is because if a currency depreciates then I will mean that imports will decrease and therefore imported inflation will decrease as well. 减少进口通货膨胀,这是因为如果货币贬值,那么我将意味着进口将减少,因此进口通货膨胀也将减少。

5. It possibly reduces speculation, because speculators might lose and so do not take the risk. 它可能会减少投机,因为投机者可能会损失,所以不冒这个险。

·Disadvantages of a Floating Exchange Rate System 浮动汇率制度的弊端

1. It causes instability, which will deter investment and trade. 导致不稳定,这将阻止投资和贸易。

2. It can lead to inflation, this will lead to a fall in demand for its currency and a fall in exchange rate. This makes its good competitive again but makes imports more expensive, which in the long run will lead to more cost-push inflation. 它可能导致通货膨胀,这将导致其货币需求的下降和汇率的下降。这使其良好的竞争力再次得到体现,但却使进口商品更加昂贵,从长远来看,这将导致更多的成本推动型通货膨胀。

3. Speculation on future movements can lead to major changes in the rate. 对未来走势的猜测会导致汇率的重大变化。

4. Governments are not forced to control their economies, for example they do not have to ensure that domestic inflation is in line with other countries to ensure their firms are competitive (this is because the pound can depreciate). 政府并不被迫控制其经济,例如,他们不必确保国内通货膨胀与其他国家保持一致,以确保其公司具有竞争力(这是因为英镑可以贬值)。



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