
SAT真题整理 美国高考你准备好了吗!

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  • 2024-10-23 03:34


SAT真题整理 美国高考你准备好了吗!


·1. Some fans feel that sports events are( )only when the competitors are of equal ability, making the outcome of the game.

A. successful-assured

B. boring •questionable

C. dull foreseen

D. interesting predictable

E. exciting uncertain

·2. Alfred Schnittke's musical compositions are( ): phrases are clipped, broken into sections, and split apart by long rests.

A. garnished

B. improvisational

C. fragmented

D. cautious

E. uniform

·3. The consumer advocate claimed that while drug manufacturers( )

the supposed advantages of their proprietary brands, generic versions of the same medications are often equally( ).

A. tout efficacious

B. research innocuous

C. market-prohibitive

D. laud counterproductive

E. extract-prescriptive

·4. Latoya's( )is shown by her ability to be( )she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.

A. perceptiveness -self-centered

B. objectivity…restrictive

C. cynicism self-destructive

D. open-mindedness complacent

E. Insightfulness…self-critical

·5. The bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so( )that it will consume as many insects as possible.

A. abstemious

B. cannibalistic

C. slovenly

D. insatiable

E. unpalatable

·6. Because drummer Tony Williams paved the way for later jazz-fusion musicians, he is considered a( )of that style.

A. connoisseur

B. revivalist

C. beneficiary

D. disparager

E. progenitor

·7. The politician's speech to the crowd was composed of nothing but( ), a bitter railing against the party's opponents.

A. digressions

B. diatribes

C. platitudes

D. machinations

E. acclamations

·8. Favoring economy of expression in writing, the professor urged students toward a( )rather than an( )prose style.

A. spare-ornate

B. terse-opinionated

C. personal-academic

D. baroque embellished

E. repetitive intricate

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