
快来看!30个高分IB TOK演讲Presentation主题想法!

  • 新加坡留学申请
  • 2024-10-23 05:01

写一篇TOK论文或者为TOK演示做准备都是非常具有挑战性的一项任务,为了帮助大家更好的应对这部分,今天留求艺留学为大家分享几个IB TOK Presentation Topic Ideas,如果你也在为TOK演示主题而烦恼,这里有几个很好的TOK演示主题可以帮助你!

快来看!30个高分IB TOK演讲Presentation主题想法!

1. Exercising power and how that affects others

Knowledge question:how do social hierarchies affect the treatment of people?

Real-life situation:You can talk about bullying and its prevalence in so many cultures. You can talk about how it affects different people in relation to their behavior.

2. Child labor in low-income countries

Knowledge question:How and why do influential companies of the world use child labor?

Real-life situation:Companies like Nike use child labor for low-cost benefits.

3. Effect of religion on our everyday lives

Knowledge question:How does religion alter our beliefs about things?

Real-life situation:So many actors have changed their approach to doing things due to religion and how their thought processes changed.

4. Political tension between countries

Knowledge question:how does politics between countries affect their relations?

Real-life situation:Economic tensions between China and the USA and how these tensions affect the whole world.

5. How greed affects our lives

Knowledge question: What are the different ways our life changes due to greed?

Real-life situation: Many countries have been greedy for money and have ended up in very bad situations due to that greed. This can be touched upon.

6. Should drugs be legalized?

Knowledge question:What role does ethics play in drug legalization in different parts of the world?

Real-life situation:Countries like Mexico have legalized drugs to some extent. It would be useful to see how these countries have done so from an ethical perspective.

7. Sex workers in the legal context

Knowledge question:Are sex workers working legally?

Real-life situation:Sex workers are very common in Thailand. Exploring that from a legal context can help shed light on how things worked.

8. Athletes and their training

Knowledge question:What kind of training do athletes need to make it big?

Real-life situation:The US has the greatest number of athletes. Using that as an example, you can talk about the kind of training methods that are used there and how that leads to great training for athletes.

9. Poverty in low-income countries

Knowledge question:How does poverty affect low-income countries?

Real-life situation:In countries like Burundi, people die of malnourishment daily. You can study why these countries live below the poverty line.

10. Climate change in the world

Knowledge question:What can human beings do to minimize the impact of climate change?

Real-life situation:The lifestyles of people in Afghanistan and Bangladesh can be explored to see how they affect climate change and what learnings we as human beings can get from that.

11. Racial discrimination and how it affects us

Knowledge question: How does racial discrimination affect who we are as people?

Real-life situation:People of color are discriminated by whites in the US. By looking at how they are treated, you can study how that affects them and turns them sour.

12. Gender Inequality and how that affects our lives

Knowledge question:How does gender equality teach us different ways of doing things?

Real-life situation:Movies like Snow White and Cinderella have been teaching us how to conform to different gender roles from a very young age. It would be interesting to explore this from the lens of these movies.

13. Education and learning disabilities

Knowledge question:What is being done to promote inclusive education in major world economies?

Real-life situation:Many developed economies all over the world are working towards promoting inclusive education as much as possible.

14. The use of ethics in decision making

Knowledge question:What role does ethics play in decision-making?

Real-life situation:in many situations, we don’t see the good in things. We fail to see how we can make decisions in life, bearing in mind ethics.

15. Media consumption and its effect on behavior

Knowledge question: How is kids’ behavior shaped by the content they watch?

Real-life situation:Studies have shown how children who watch violence on television have greater chances of becoming violent in their lives.

16. Abortion and its justification

Knowledge question:Should abortion be legal, and under what justification?

Real-life situation:in some parts of the world, abortion is legal, whereas in others, there are different rules about it. It would be interesting to see the rationale behind each and why it exists.

17. Illegal organ trade

Knowledge question:To what extent do extensive amounts of money outweigh morality?

Real-life situation:There is a rise in sales of body organs all over the world. To study how and why this happens in terms of the moral aspect of things would be very interesting to see.

18. The rise in vegan culture

Knowledge question:Why is there so much awareness around the wrongs of meat eating?

Real-life situation:The fact that so many people are now turning towards plant based foods.

19. Unemployment and its effect on the world

Knowledge question:How has unemployment resulted in greater economic pressure?

Real-life situation: Ever since COVID-19, many people have become jobless, resulting in excess pressure on the governments that are trying to help people sustain themselves.

20. Lack of education and its relation to violence

Knowledge question:Is there a direct relationship between low literacy rates and its relation to violence?

Real-life situation:In countries where literacy rates are low, there are high crime rates. So it would be interesting to explore how there is a correlation between the two and what can be done about it.

21. Terrorism and Legislations

Knowledge question:How is terrorism a result of less stringent government policies?

Real-life situation:Terrorism in many parts of the world is only seeing an upward trend. It would be interesting to see how this is related to there being a lack of rules and regulations with regard to this.

22. Pandemics and our abilities to deal with them

Knowledge situation:Are we in a position to deal with world pandemics correctly?

Real-life situation:COVID-19 showed us what it is like to live amidst a pandemic.

23. Mental health issues in the world

Knowledge question:How can we raise awareness about mental health issues worldwide?

Real-life situation:So many people are struggling with mental health issues all over the world. It would be interesting to explore this concept in further detail.

24. Substance abuse

Knowledge question:How is substance abuse destroying the youth?

Real-life situation:There is a huge rise in substance abuse rates in many parts of the world.

25. Exercising and its growing awareness

Knowledge question:What factors have led to the growing awareness about exercise all over the world?

Real-life situation:in different parts of the world, there seems to be a greater awareness in relation to physical exercise.

26. The culture of influencers

Knowledge question:How has the marketing landscape changed as a result of a rise in the number of influencers?

Real-life situation:On social media, we now see a rise in the number of influencers who have a major impact on the purchases consumers make.

27. Animal testing

Knowledge question:How are there several moral implications in relation to animal testing?

Real-life situation:we see so many people talking about how and why animal testing should now be banned.

28. Sexual harassment in the workplace

Knowledge question:how is sexual harassment harmful to mental health?

Real-life situation: the rise in number of sexual harassment cases at workplaces is only rising over time.

29. Population control

Knowledge question:should there be more awareness around population control?

Real-life situation:in many parts of the world, people don’t have as much knowledge as they should about population control.

30. Body positivity

Knowledge question:how have society’s ideals altered our beliefs about body positivity?

Real-life situation:there are so many teenagers who evaluate their self-worth based on what they see in the mirror.

【微语】你踏上异国的土地, 追寻梦想的翅膀在风中展开, 每一步都是成长的印记。


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