

  • 李丽Sara留学
  • 2024-10-22 23:29




1. The challenges involved in identifying individual genetic characteristics used to predict vulnerability to Autism.

2. Does the way parents punish their children have an effect on how they turn out as adults?

3. To what extent has Criminal Profiling helped solve murder mysteries?

4. What impact does it have on the other siblings when one sibling is autistic?

5. What are the best approaches for improving children's everyday functioning who have autism?

6. How much longer do psychologists have to accept schizophrenia as a valid diagnosis?

7. To what extent can we attribute the development of homosexuality to variables within our own biology?

8. How well do we understand the connection between stress and physical disease, and can we use this understanding to develop effective coping mechanisms?


1. Why do certain groups succeed academically more than others, and how might this be remedied in the United Kingdom (or elsewhere)?

2. The proverb "a light hand makes a weak kid" comes to mind. How do varying approaches to school discipline affect students' behavior and growth?

3. To what extent do so-called "smart medications" alter cognitive processes? Where do moral concerns lie in the increasingly popular trend of using "cognitive enhancers" to improve test scores?

4. Is there evidence that children who have participated in pre-school programs before entering kindergarten fare better academically than those who did not?

5. Is there evidence that kids become more aggressive because of watching TV shows containing graphic violence?

6. How much of a person's IQ can they change, and how much of it is predetermined by their genes?

7. The impact of schooling on students' desire to study and their ability to succeed academically, compared across different cultures (e.g., China and the United Kingdom).

8. What are the benefits and drawbacks of "hothousing" young children in order to nurture their innate abilities?

9. To what do we owe the apparent mathematical prowess of Chinese schoolchildren?

10. Do people of all cultures go through the same cognitive growth phases?


1. Is it true that one-parent households always struggle?

2. Therapeutic options for children with autism spectrum disorder

3. When taking SSRIs, what are the potential upsides and downsides?

4. Can depression be attributed to a chemical imbalance or an unhealthy mental process?

5. Is "an extreme form of the male brain" what autism really is? Examine the extent to which there is a biological foundation for autism.

6. To what extent does autistic persons' lack of a 'theory of mind' explain for their pronounced difficulties?

7. Is it always preferable in principle to try to reunite children with their original mother after they have been placed in foster care due to issues in the family?

8. Is it preferable to deny and repress past atrocities in favor of enjoying a moderately happy or successful future life?

9. What kind of impact does a parent have on his or her child's life?


1. Can we learn from studies of psychology how to negotiate peace and end wars?

2. Is it true that all "excellent leaders" share certain traits, or do various responsibilities call for leaders to adopt varying personalities and leadership styles?

3. How far can we expect psychology to take us in eradicating bias?

4. In what ways may workers in two quite different fields (say, banking and education) have notably different levels of stress and happiness on the job?

5. How can I maximize my chances of experiencing joy in my professional life?

6. Do businesses that care about their employees have a higher rate of success?

7. How much of the atrocities committed during war can be attributed to Milgram's obedience theory?

8. How does one's job benefit them? What kind of emotional toll do you think the recent spikes in job uncertainty and unemployment due to the "credit-crunch" are taking on people?


1. Pathways to crime: an investigation of the relationship between biological characteristics and early life experience in "turning to crime"

2. Does one learn empathy? The UK's 'Restorative Justice' program: preschools or prisons?

3. How reliable is eye (or ear) witness testimony, and how does this affect the administration of justice?


1. How well do we understand the connection between stress and physical disease, and can this understanding help to develop effective coping mechanisms?

2. How much do you think a child's personality is shaped by the way their parents handle discipline?

3. Is the humanistic philosophy of education underlying Montessori programs compatible with the tenets of cognitive theory?

4. Can we say that the concept of schizophrenia no longer has any place in modern psychological practice?

5. What happens when your circadian rhythm is thrown off by jet lag, and how do you prevent it?

6. Effects of Peer Influence and Media Exposure to Violent Content on the Columbine High School Massacre

7. The challenges in identifying individual genes that contribute to susceptibility to autism.

8. To what extent do various therapies improve children with autism's day-to-day functioning, and which ones are the most effective?

9. To what extent do teens of different sexes experience different levels of peer pressure?

10. How pervasive and influential are subliminal messages in influencing consumer behavior?

11. How much do you think Criminal Profiling has helped homicide investigations?

12. If at all, how much of anorexia can be traced back to cultural influences, and what exactly are those influences?

13. How does having an autistic sister affect your non-autistic sibling * Can we ever know what causes autism?

14. Counseling methods for treating anorexia: a comparison of individual and family therapy






