
Alevel经济学essay干货素材 中英对照直接搬走~

  • 一兮留学
  • 2024-10-23 04:58


Alevel经济学essay干货素材 中英对照直接搬走~


The Balance of Payments——The Structure of the Balance of Payments


The 'trade in goods' balance is often referred to as the trade balance. Adding up the total value of exports of goods and subtracting the total value of imports of goods calculate this. In the case of the UK, this balance is nearly always negative, so it is known as the trade deficit; the UK always imports more goods than it exports.

货物贸易 "平衡通常被称为贸易平衡。将货物出口总值相加,再减去货物进口总值,就可以计算出这个数字。就英国而言,这一余额几乎总是负的,所以它被称为贸易赤字;英国进口的货物总是多于出口的货物。

Trade in services 服务贸易

In the days of 'visible' and 'invisible', services, investment income and transfers were all lumped in together in the 'invisibles' section. The current account only had two sections: visible and invisible.

在 "可见 "和 "不可见 "的时代,服务、投资收入和转移都被归入 "不可见 "部分。经常账户只有两个部分:可见和不可见。

Trade in services is now a separate section, as are the other two categories (see next two sub-sections). Although it is not quite so easy to picture international trade in services (only about 20% of all services are potentially tradable), good examples include financial services (e.g. banking and insurance), transport services (particularly shipping), law, accountancy, management consultancy and tourism.


Investment income 投资收入

This also used to be under the old 'invisibles'. You may know it as 'IPDs' or interest, profit and dividends. The new title of investment income makes sense because interest, profit and dividends are all forms of income earned on investments. Interest is earned on bank deposits and government bonds, profit is earned from investments in a business enterprise and dividends are earned annually on shares.

这也曾经是在旧的 "无形资产 "之下。你可能知道它是'IPD'或利息、利润和股息。投资收入的新标题是有意义的,因为利息、利润和红利都是通过投资获得的收入形式。利息是通过银行存款和政府债券赚取的,利润是通过对商业企业的投资赚取的,股息是通过股票每年赚取的。



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