
Alevel商务A*一点都不难 这个知识点很常考!

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-10-23 07:25


Alevel商务A*一点都不难 这个知识点很常考!

There are a number of different 'schools' of management thought that have been developed over the past century. The main 'schools' of thought are 在过去的一个世纪里,有许多不同的管理思想 "流派"。主要的思想 "流派 "有:

Classical Management. 古典管理

This was developed by Henri Fayol and it emphasised the following factors as being essential to an effective management process 这是由亨利-法约尔提出的,它强调以下因素对有效的管理过程至关重要:

a) The division of labour. 劳动分工

b) A wide span of control. 广泛的控制范围

c) A tall organisational structure. 高大的组织结构

d) An authoritarian style of management. 独裁的管理风格

Scientific Management. 科学管理

This method was developed in the USA in the early part of the 20th century by Frederick Taylor, building on the earlier work of Henri Fayol.


Taylor also believed that a high division of labour was needed to produce more output, and he introduced a piece-rate style of payment for the workforce (this meant that the workers received an amount of money per 'piece' that they produced, thereby linking their pay to their productivity).

泰勒还认为,需要高度分工以产生更多的产出,他为劳动力引入了计件工资的方式(这意味着工人每生产一个 "件 "就会得到一笔钱,从而将他们的工资与他们的生产力联系起来)。

Taylor also worked very closely with Henry Ford in developing the world's first moving production-line for the model 'T' Ford car.


This method of management paid close attention to 'time and motion' studies, where each worker is timed when performing a task, and then this provides the basis for the worker's level of output per day (e.g. if it took a worker 2 minutes to perform a task, then this could be done 30 times per hour, and 240 times in an 8-hour day).

这种管理方法密切关注 "时间和动作 "的研究,即每个工人在执行任务时都要进行计时,然后为工人每天的产出水平提供依据(例如,如果一个工人执行一项任务需要2分钟,那么每小时可以做30次,一天8小时可以做240次)。

If the worker completed more than his designated number of tasks per day, then he would be eligible for a monetary bonus.


Taylor believed that efficiency and discipline were the two greatest features of a good manager and a good workforce, but what he failed to recognise was the high level of alienation and low levels of morale and motivation that this system produces in the workforce.




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