
Alevel商务知识点总结 各个思想流派的汇总在这里

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 05:00


Alevel商务知识点总结 各个思想流派的汇总在这里

Human Relations Management. 人际关系管理

The Human Relations 'school' of management thought looks beyond mere financial and productivity variables in deciding the best way to manage a workforce.

人际关系 "学派 "的管理思想在决定管理劳动力的最佳方式时,超越了单纯的财务和生产力变量。

These managers believe that a worker's performance can be improved by being given praise and recognition for their efforts, that workers should be consulted in any decision that affects them, and that the leader should be democratic rather than autocratic.


Probably the most famous study of Human Relations Management was carried out by Elton Mayo between 1927 and 1932 at the Western Electric Company, at Hawthorne in Chicago, USA.


He studied a group of six female workers over this time, and tried to establish a link between their working conditions and their productivity levels. He changed many of the working conditions (e.g. hours of work, rest periods, lighting, heating), and he discovered that the level of output rose each time.


He concluded that the only factor that was needed to consistently achieve a high level of productivity was a strong level of social interaction and teamwork amongst the 6 employees. He called this the 'Hawthorne Effect'.

他的结论是,唯一需要持续实现高生产力水平的因素是6名员工之间强大的社会互动和团队合作水平。他把这称为 "霍桑效应"。

Neo-Human Relations Management. 新人类关系管理

There are a number of management writers and theorists who built on the earlier work of Mayo, agreeing that the way that employees are treated, and the praise and recognition that is given to them by their managers, can have a tremendous psychological effect on their productivity levels. The main writers in this field are Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg and Douglas McGregor.

有一些管理学家和理论家在梅奥早期工作的基础上,同意对待员工的方式,以及管理者对他们的表扬和认可,可以对他们的生产力水平产生巨大的心理影响。这个领域的主要作家是Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg和Douglas McGregor。

Abraham Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs' can be seen in the diagram below 亚伯拉罕-马斯洛的 "需求层次 "可以在下图中看到 :

We first need to satisfy the basic requirements of continued existence (i.e. physiological needs). once these needs are satisfied, then we seek to satisfy the higher level needs.


Until a lower order need is satisfied, you cannot progress onto a higher level need. Hence, once the lower level needs are satisfied, then further motivation for the employee can only come by giving them greater scope for using skill, initiative and creativity.


Most people reach the safety and social categories, some reach the ego category, yet very few reach the self-fulfilment category (and those that do reach it will not remain at it for very long).


As a result of this progression, the size of each of the sections in Maslow's hierarchy diminishes the higher they get, as fewer and fewer people reach them.


Applying this theory to employees, physiological needs include pay and working conditions, safety needs include Health & Safety protection and pension schemes, social needs include the need to work in a team and mix with others, and ego needs may include a company car, job title or size of office. Self-fulfilment needs will depend on the individual employee, whether he has achieved his full potential or not.




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