

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-22 21:39





●微观经济学基本要素 (8%-14%)




Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics in Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics

Unit 2 : Basic concepts of Microeconomics and fundamental economic systems

Unit 3: Why people should specialize and trade with others (Specific contents about opportunity cost and comparative advantage)

Unit 4: Demand and Supply, equilibrium

Unit 5 : application of demand and supply—elasticity and theory of consumer choice or behavior

Unit 6 : Costs, Production, Supply

Unit 7 : Government and Public Sector: Market Failure, Rents, Externalities, Public Goods

Unit 8 : Product Markets: Types, Characteristics

Unit 9 : Perfect Competition

Unit 10 : Monopoly

Unit 11 : Imperfect Competition: Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly

Unit 12 : Resource Markets with applications to Labor

微观经济学Long Response Question的往年知识点全是在四种Market Structure (Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition和oligopoly), 而short response question 考得较为杂,一般会是Unit 2: Supply and Demand 和Unit 5: Factor Market 有关的內容。


● 宏观经济学基本要素,分数占有率8%-12%

● 各种各样经济数据,分数占有率12%-16%

● 国民收入和价钱决策、通货膨胀及下岗,分数占有率10%-15%





Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics and some basic economic concepts

Unit 2 : Measuring a Nation’s Income

Unit 3: Measuring the cost of living

Unit 4 : Unemployment and its natural rate

Unit 5 : Money growth and inflation

Unit 6 : The short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment

Unit 7 : Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Unit 8 : The Monetary System and the Monetary Policy

Unit 9 : The Fiscal and Monetary Policy

Unit 10 : Saving, Investment, and the Financial System

Unit 11 : Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts

Unit 12 : A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy

宏观经济学Long Response Question的要点是AD-AS Model, Fiscal Policy 和Monetary Policy, 这实际上便是宏观经济政策的主要内容。而Short Response Question彻底难以预料,可以是一切知识要点,由于宏观经济自身知识要点间的界线就较为模糊不清。


例如: How does rising GDP affect the supply of loanable fund? 这个问题的正确答案是GDP的升高促使人均收入提升,进而提高了存款,因而supply of loanable fund 提升。可是!!!假如你觉得GDP升高促使人均收入升高,而人均收入升高可以增强她们针对将来收益的预估,进而减少储蓄率,因而Supply of loanable fund降低。这也是一个有效的回答!






协助留学小白, 圆赴日留学梦!
