

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 11:29

宾大的MBA一直非常强,2019 US.NEWS排名第一,下面我们一起来看下宾大的MBA都有哪些方向:


ACCOUNTING This major focuses on the uses of accounting ata. Courses stress concepts,proceures an applications for how accounting information is generate an its reliability in analysis.

ACTUARIAL SCIENCE The actuarial science major prepares stuents for professional certification as an actuary. Curriculum inclues general business courses important for eveloping a strong,general unerstaning of the business environment,as well as quantitative courses in economics,accounting,computer science,an finance.

BUSINESS ANALYTICS The new Business Analytics major gives stuents state-of-the-art tools an techniques for solving business problems with real-worl ata. Stuents explore such areas as optimization,computational heuristics,machine learning,ata acquisition an preparation,agent-base moeling an other forms of simulation,visualization,multiobjective ecision making,ecision analysis,ata mining,an text mining (incluing information retrieval).

BUSINESS EConOMICS AND PUBLIC POLICY This major brings theoretical tools an practical experience to bear on the relationship among business,government,an society. Areas of faculty expertise inclue eregulation an privatization,technology,public an urban finance,an international inustrial policy.

BUSINESS,ENERGY,ENVIRonMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY This major provies in-epth founations for those intereste in the complex relationships between business an the natural environment,management of environmental risks,an the business an economics of energy.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION The Entrepreneurship & Innovation major provies MBA stuents with skills,analytical tools,perspectives,an experiences that prepare them for careers as autonomous entrepreneurs,family-business entrepreneurs,or entrepreneurs in corporate settings. Stuents create real business plans,work on other fiel projects,an gain access an insight from entrepreneurial business community leaers.

FINANCE Finance majors focus on the analytic an theoretical tools require to master practical issues in Finance. While some attention is given to the escriptive,institutional,an historical aspects of the fiel,primary emphasis is on the analytical founations,emphasizing theory an methos of analysis an making extensive use of relevant techniques of economic analysis,mathematics,an statistics.

HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT The health care management major iffers from many other majors at Wharton in blening specific coursework an professional evelopment opportunities. The major raws on a rich variety of electives across the university,incluing courses in the behavioral an applie social sciences,biomeical sciences,an social policy. It is closely associate with the Leonar Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI),which facilitates research an eucation in health services financing an elivery. You must apply for amission to this major at the time of your initial Wharton application.

INFORMATION: STRATEGY AND EConOMICS This major emphasizes the use of information for strategic avantage. Its interisciplinary approach speaks to the manner in which information is now value an use.

INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT The insurance an risk management major examines the techniques corporations,organizations,an iniviuals use to reuce the potential financial losses arising from exposure to risk. These techniques range from traitional insurance proucts to current avances in corporate an insurer risk management. Topics inclue risk an insurance regulation,global risk management,estate planning,an relate public policy initiatives.

MANAGEMENT The management major helps managers in the changing global economy view the total enterprise an unerstan the forces that shape a firm’s irection,policies,an goals. The course also helps managers exercise personal leaership in managing employees. You will apply basic social science isciplines an research methos to management an leaership problems in the public an private sectors.

MARKETING Marketing investigates funamental approaches to unerstaning markets,competitors,an portfolios of prouct offerings an operating technologies. Wharton has one of the largest sets of marketing courses an faculty.

MARKETING AND OPERATIONS (JOINT MAJOR) Marketing an Operations is the only official joint major at Wharton,comprising seven creit units of coursework.

MULTINATIonAL MANAGEMENT The multinational management major focuses on multinational management complemente by functional electives in the areas of finance,marketing,accounting,legal stuies,public policy,real estate or health-care management.

OPERATIONS,INFORMATION AND DECISIONS This major aims to improve the quality an prouctivity of enterprises by iscovering,eveloping,an valiating new principles,theory,an methos. Roote in process management,ecision making an information.

ORGANIZATIonAL EFFECTIVENESS The organizational effectiveness major is esigne to eucate stuents in leaing ege theory an practice associate with employee management an the organizational esign. This major spans topics from unerstaning iniviual an group behavior to esigning management systems an structures to support business strategy.

REAL ESTATE One of two inustry-focuse majors at Wharton,the real estate major consists of three require courses (real estate law,evelopment,an finance) an two electives,incluing real estate economics,urban fiscal policy,the relationship between government policy an private evelopment,international real estate markets,an the aesthetic an technical consierations of architecture. Coursework provies the quantitative an qualitative tools necessary for leaership.

STATISTICS The statistics major teaches stuents to evelop a systematic an effective approach to ata,raw inferences an conclusions,an communicate results. This major wiely applies across inustries because its quantitative approach offers important insights for general ecision making. Courses range from a rigorous training in the funamentals of statistical theory to applications of popular methoologies,such as regression analysis an forecasting. Courses also provie exposure to computer software for implementing key techniques.

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The strategic management major has a eep grouning in the basic logic of competitive avantage,premise on a careful analytical treatment of the istinct qualities an positions of iniviual firms an an unerstaning of broaer competitive ynamics.





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