

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 03:30

Risk Management Institute风险管理学院


Master of Science (Financial Engineering)金融工程



有MFE课程可供选择,而RMI MFE通过努力塑造学生成为“实干家” - 具有解决复杂财务问题所必需的理论背景和解决这些问题的实用技术诀窍的人而脱颖而出。






Goo 4-year unergrauate egree or an honours egree.

Goo TOEFL* or IELTS* score if English was not the meium of instruction in unergrauate stuies.

GMAT* or GRE* score (optional).



GMAT *或GRE *分数(可选)




Acaemic Qualification

Average GMAT Total:706Average GRE:

·Quantitative 168

·Verbal 156

·Analytical Writing 3.6

Average TOEFL:104

Average IELTS Overall Ban Score:7

Highest Level of Degrees Earne

·Bachelor's: 97%

·Master's an PhD: 3%

Locations of Unergrauate Institutions:9







FE5101 Derivatives an Fixe Income 衍生工具和固定收益

Basic theories of futures,options,an swaps pricing. Funamental concepts of no arbitrage equilibrium an also risk premia. Heging techniques an the Greeks. Fixe Income securities analytics. Yiel curve analyses. Extensions to asset-backe securities an asset securitization issues. Structure notes an embee options. Corporate ebts an convertibles.


FE5107 Risk Analyses an Management 风险分析和管理

Market risk. Value-at-Risk measures an problems. Parametric historical,an simulations VAR. Alternative securities risk an erivatives risk measurements. Delta-normal VARs an applications to ifferent proucts. Creit risks an measurements. Liquiity,operational risk,legal risk,settlement risk,moel risk,tax risk an others,Stress testing,Accounting an legal compliance. Some existing moels an Risk Management best practices.


FE5110 Financial Engineering Project 金融工程项目

Stuents are encourage to work on a project relate to an actual problem at work involving financial engineering solutions. Otherwise stuents coul work on a new prouct or process iea,or a etaile case stuy. The report about 60x ouble-space A4 pages incluing appenixes shoul be carefully written an submitte.


FE5112 Stochastic Calculus an Quantitative Methos 随机微积分和定量方法

This moule will cover the funamental concepts of stochastic calculus as well as quantitative methos that are relevant to financial engineering. The topics inclue Wiener processes,stochastic integrals,stochastic ifferential equations,Ito’s lemma,the martingale principle an risk neutral pricing. It will also cover important topics in linear algebra an optimization.


FE5116 Programming an Avance Numerical Methos 编程和高级数值方法

This moule will cover both computer programming an numerical methos. On the programming sie,this moule will cover Octave language. The emphasis will be given to programming to solve financial engineering problems. On the numerical methos sie,this moule will cover finite ifference,iscretization an Monte Carlo simulation methos.


FE5209 Financial Econometrics 金融计量经济学

The statistical moelling an forecasting of financial time series,with application to share prices,exchange rates an interest rates. Market microstructure. Specification,estimation an testing of asset pricing moels incluing the capital asset pricing moel an extensions; Moelling of volatility. Practical application of volatility forecasting. Estimating continuous time moels.

金融时间序列的统计建模和预测,适用于股价,汇率和利率。市场微观结构。资产定价模型的规范,估算和测试,包括资本资产定价模型和扩展; 波动率模型。波动率预测的实际应用。估计连续时间模型。


FE5103 Equity Proucts an Exotics 股权产品和异国情调

Covere warrants,equity warrants an options,subscription rights,stock inex futures an options,an other equity erivatives. Issues of pricing an heging. Institutional constraints. Portfolio management an other investment strategies. Path-epenent options such as Asian options,barrier options,lookback options,an forwar-start options. Sprea options,rainbow options,quantos,exchange options,basket options,as-you-like options,power options,igital options,an others. Pricing techniques an risk management purposes.


FE5105 Corporate Financing an Risk 企业融资和风险

Financial Markets an Instruments. Management of foreign exchange,money market,an erivatives esks. Asset-Liability management. Regulatory issues. Corporate Valuation,restructuring,leverage buyouts,mergers an acquisitions. Issues of eal structures an management of cashflows.


FE5108 Portfolio Theory an Investments 投资组合理论与投资

Portfolio Optimisation Theory. Capital Asset Pricing Moels. Arbitrage Pricing Theories. Factor Moels. Market Neutral Strategies. Abnormalities an Market Mispricing. Asset Allocation an Dynamic Portfolio Optimization. Portfolio Insurance Problems,an Global Funs Management.


FE5208 Term Structure an Interest Rate Derivatives 期限结构和利率衍生品

This moule will cover both term structure moels as well as the valuations of interest rate erivatives. The topics covere inclue Vasicek,Ho-Lee,Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR),Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) an LIBOR market moels. On the numerical sie it will cover Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) an Hull-White moels as well as some simulation methos.


FE5210 Research Methos in Finance 财务研究方法

This moule aims to facilitate stuents in eveloping the basic skills for inepenent research,an to promote their motivations an interests in fining an solving problems. During the stuy of a research question,stuents are to emonstrate their progress in acquiring techniques,an to evelop presentation skills incluing effective oral communication an scientific research report writing. Offerings of this moule in ifferent years may have ifferent areas of focus.


FE5211 Seminar in Financial Engineering 金融工程研讨会

Topics relating to financial engineering.


FE5215 Seminar in Financial Prouct Innovations 金融产品创新研讨会

New topics an areas in financial proucts evelopment an market applications.


FE5216 Financial Technology Innovations Seminar 金融技术创新研讨会

New topic an areas in financial technologies incluing information technology applications,electronic commerce,an other electronic applications to finance problems.


FE5217 Seminar in Risk Management an Alternative Investment 风险管理和另类投资研讨会

Topics woul cover various alternative investments an risk management.


FE5218 Creit Risk 信用风险

The course consists of two parts - (i) statistical creit rating moels an (ii) creit erivatives. The first part woul cover various statistical creit rating moels incluing Altman’s Z-score,logistic regression,artificial neural network an intensity moels. The secon part will cover various moels use to price creit erivative as well as tools use to manage creit risk. The topics covere woul inclue real an risk neutral probabilities of efault,RiskMetricsTM,CreitRisk+,efault correlation,Copula,Basket efault swap,CDOs etc.

该课程由两部分组成 - (i)统计信用评级模型和(ii)信用衍生工具。第一部分将涵盖各种统计信用评级模型,包括Altman的Z评分,逻辑回归,人工神经网络和强度模型。第二部分将介绍用于定价信用衍生品的各种模型以及用于管理信用风险的工具。涵盖的主题包括违约的实际和风险中性概率,RiskMetricsTM,CreitRisk +,默认关联,Copula,篮子默认交换,CDO等。

FE5219 Creit Analytics Practicum 信用分析实习

This moule will provie stuents with the opportunity to work on real-worl problems in quantitative creit analysis. The moule will be project base within either a research or inustry environment. Stuents will gain a etaile knowlege of the project subject matter,along with an overall unerstaning of quantitative creit analysis.

The projects will be group-base with up to three stuents in a group. Most of the groups will be base in RMI’s Creit Research Initiative,an stuents can also source for an external company to host their projects. This is a 6 Moular Creits (MCs) moule.


这些项目将以小组为基础,一组中最多有三名学生。大多数小组将以RMI的信用研究计划为基础,学生也可以寻找外部公司来主持他们的项目。这是一个6 Moular Creits(MCs)模块。

FE5221 Traing Principles & Funamentals 交易原则和基本原则

This moule aims to familiarize the stuents with the reality of traing within the financial markets environment. Beyon the pure traing principles,it covers the many aspects of traing ecisions,in terms of risk control an limits,market an economic ata an information,overall portfolio management,practical market stanars an conventions,specificities of erivatives traing,traing styles an techniques to manage specific market situations. This is a 2 MCs moule.

This moule shoul prepare stuents to better grasp traing an financial markets an allow them to become effective in a work environment in a recor short time.

本单元旨在让学生熟悉金融市场环境中的交易现实。除了纯粹的交易原则,它涵盖了交易决策的方面,包括风险控制和限制,市场和经济数据和信息,整体投资组合管理,实际市场标准和惯例,衍生品交易的特殊性,交易风格和技术。管理特定的市场情况。这是一个2 MCs模块。


FE5222 Avance Derivatives Pricing 高级衍生产品定价

This moule will cover the avance topics relate to erivative pricing,incluing stochastic ifferential equations,martingale representation theorem an risk-neutral pricing,the change of numeraire argument an pricing of pathepenent options (e.g. barrier,lookback,an Asian options),optimal stopping an American options,jump iffusion processes an stochastic volatility for option pricing.


FE5223 Introuction to Electronic Financial Market 电子金融市场简介

The funamentals of financial market technologies an functionality in the Front-,Mile- an Back-offices,the interepenencies of their systems,typical user interfaces,through to typical system architecture will be taught. Principals of algorithmic traing will also be covere,an stuents will be challenge to esign solutions for real-market traing strategies. This is a 2 MCs moule.

将教授前台,中台和后台的金融市场技术和功能的基础知识,系统的相互依赖性,典型的用户界面,以及典型的系统架构。算法交易的负责人也将受到保护,学生将面临为实际市场交易策略设计解决方案的挑战。这是一个2 MCs模块。

FE5224 Current Topics in Applie Risk Management 应用风险管理的当前主题

The global financial crisis triggere a set of structural changes that continue to play out in market microstructure an market architecture. Practitioners,on both the buy-sie an sell-sie,are in the mist of responing to new regulations aroun bank capital,operational risk,supervision an other non-market factors. The backrop is complicate further by apparent isinflation,greater potential for event risk,macro-pruential interventions an in places,negative interest rates. The risk management context is also coloure by innovation in ‘fintech’ an cyber-risk. Each year,the course will focus on a subset of these topics base on what is most “current”. The objective is to give stuents the ability to take the epth of technical skills acquire in core moules an apply them to the immeiate context of potential employers. This is a 2 MCs moule.


FE5225 Machine Learning an FinTech 机器学习和FinTech

Targete at grauate stuents with a strong interest in financial engineering topics,the course introuces the state-of-the-art machine learning approaches,from DNN to topic moeling,an the key concepts in Fintech,from cryptocurrencies to sentiment analysis. Besies lectures,AI acaemic researchers an inustry professionals are invite to come to share their latest research,their unerstanings an outlooks of the main technologies behin machine learning an their applications in financial services.


FE5226 C++ in Financial Engineering C ++金融工程

The course covers C++ basic constructs (loops,variables,operators,an functions),built-in libraries,ata structures,templates an object oriente programming techniques. It evelops logical thinking aime at esigning algorithms to solve specific problems. Concepts are illustrate by examples rawn from the financial engineering omain. The course will ultimately provie with an overview of the components of a moern risk management system.

本课程涵盖C ++基本构造(循环,变量,运算符和函数),内置库,数据结构,模板和面向对象的编程技术。它开发了逻辑思维,旨在设计解决特定问题的算法。通过金融工程领域的示例说明概念。该课程最终将概述现代风险管理系统的组成部分。

FE5227 Commoities: Funamentals an Moelling 商品:基础和建模

Targeting at grauate stuents with a strong interest in commoities topics,the course introuces the funamental principles of the energy (oil,coal an gas) an har (ferrous an base metals) commoity markets. Supply an eman ynamics for each market will be iscusse,as well as the pricing structure an mechanism for each market.

We will also iscuss typical financial ervitives (forwar,future,swap,options an more exotic proucts) use by commoity market players for traing an heging risks. Their features,applications an pricing methos will be iscusse in etails.






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