

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-10-23 11:25




why pursue a master of science in business analytics?accoring to a report by the mckinsey global institute,the unite states alone coul face a shortage of 1.5 millions managers an analysts with the knowlege of how to use the analysis of big ata to make effective ecisions by 2018. the master of science in business analytics is a comprehensive program that provies stuents with the skills an knowlege to become experts in business analytics an ata sciences an to avance their careers in this exciting an fast-growing fiel.根据麦肯锡全球研究所的一份报告,仅美国就可能面临150万名经理和分析师的短缺,他们知道如何利用大数据分析来在2018年做出有效的决策。商业分析学硕士是一个综合性项目,为学生提供技能和知识,使他们成为商业分析和数据科学领域的专家,并在这个令人兴奋和快速发展的领域提升自己的职业生涯。stuents in the program acquire a broa an in-epth training in all areas relate to business analytics an big ata analysis,incluing statistical moeling,ata management,visualization,information security,optimization,an ecision-making uner uncertainty. stuents will learn programming tools necessary to analyze large an unstructure atasets,translate the analysis into ecisions that will improve business performance,an effectively present complex ata to high-level ecision-makers. in aition to methoological training,the stuents will iscover applications of business analytics across a wie range of inustries an functions,incluing marketing,finance,operations management,retail,manufacturing,banking an health care.该计划的学生在所有与商业分析和大数据分析相关的领域获得广泛而深入的培训,包括统计建模、数据管理、可视化、信息安全、优化以及不确定的决策。学生将学习分析大型和非结构化数据集所必需的编程工具,将分析转化为能够提高业务性能的决策,并有效地将复杂的数据呈现给高层决策者。除了方法论的培训,学生们还将在各种行业和职能领域发现商业分析的应用,包括市场营销、金融、运营管理、零售、制造业、银行和医疗保健。who woul benefit from an ms in business analytics?the master of science in business analytics is esigne for managers who want to evelop or sharpen their analytical skills,an recent college grauates with a strong analytical backgroun,who are intereste in pursuing a career in the exciting an fast-growing fiel of business analytics an ata sciences. the program provies stuents with knowlege,tools,an skills to analyze big ata to make effective business ecisions that improve the performance of organizations. what are the avantages of an ms in business analytics at marshall? the master of science in business analytics at marshall offers an unparallele opportunity to begin a career in the exciting fiel of ata sciences an business analytics. in aition to worl-class an awar-winning faculty,usc has more international stuents than any other university,an the trojan network has loyal alumni across the worl that helps each other after grauation. our campus is in los angeles,a vibrant center for business an culture in the pacific rim.商业分析学的硕士课程是为那些想要发展或提高他们的分析技能的管理者而设计的,最近的大学毕业生具有很强的分析背景,他们有兴趣在商业分析和数据科学这一令人兴奋的快速发展的领域中追求自己的事业。该项目为学生提供了知识、工具和技能,以分析大数据,从而做出有效的商业决策,提高组织的绩效。在马歇尔的商业分析中,ms的优势是什么?马歇尔商学院的商业分析学硕士课程提供了一个前所未有的机会,可以在令人兴奋的数据科学和商业分析领域开始职业生涯。除了世界级的获奖教员之外,南加州大学的国际学生比其他任何大学都多,而且这个特洛伊网络在世界各地都有忠实的校友,他们在毕业后互相帮助。我们的校园位于洛杉矶,是环太平洋地区的商业和文化中心。

课程设置:require courses必修课

course number title unitscore courses ﹙must be complete first﹚so 510 business analytics 商业分析 1.5gsba 545 ata riven ecision making数据驱动决策 1.5gsba 542 communication for management沟通管理 1.5so 530 applie moern statistical learning methos应用现代统计学学习方法 3so 545 statistical computing an ata visualization统计计算和数据可视化 3so 570 the analytics ege: ata,moels,an effective ecisions分析优势:数据、模型和有效决策 3so 573 or so 599 ata analytics riven ynamic strategy an execution/ getting the数据分析驱动动态策略和执行/获得organization reay for big ata大数据组织准备 3inf 559 introuction to ata management数据管理介绍 3


course number title unitscomplete at least 13.5 units from the following:csci 585 atabase systems数据库系统 4so 516 probability an ata moeling概率和数据建模 1.5so 522 applie time series analysis for forecasting 用于预测的应用时间序列分析 1.5,3so 528 ata warehousing,business intelligence an ata mining 数据仓库、业务智能和数据挖掘 1.5,3inf 510* principles of programming for informatics信息学编程原理 4so 536 monte carlo simulation an ecision moels蒙特卡罗模拟与决策模型 1.5so 547 esigning spreasheet-base business moels设计一个基于电子表格的商业模型 3so 562 frau analytics欺诈行为分析 3so 566 marketing analytics 市场营销分析 3inf 520 founations of information security信息安全基础 4so 599 igital analytics strategy数字分析策略 1.5so 549* application of lean six sigma精益六西格玛应用 3




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