

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-10-23 05:42
















New Zealan Prime Minister makes statement on Christchurch tragey

New Zealan’s Prime Minister Rt Hon Jacina Arern has mae the following statements on the tragic incient that unfole toay (15 March) in Christchurch,New Zealan.

&lquo;This was an act of extraorinary an unpreceente violence. It has no place in New Zealan.&rquo;

&lquo;These are people who I woul escribe as having extremist views that have absolutely no place in New Zealan an in fact have no place in the worl.&rquo;

&lquo;Our thoughts an our prayers are with those who have been impacte toay. Christchurch was their home. For many,this may not have been the place they were born,in fact for many,New Zealan was their choice.&rquo;

&lquo;The place they actively came to,an committe to. The place they were raising their families. Where they were parts of communities that they love an who love them in return. It was a place that many came to for its safety. A place where they were free to practice their culture an their religion.&rquo;

&lquo;Many of the people affecte by this act of extreme violence will be from our refugee an migrant communities. New Zealan is their home. They are us.&rquo;

&lquo;The person or people who carrie out this act of unpreceente violence are not. &lquo;There is no place in our home for them.&rquo;

&lquo;We,New Zealan,we were not a target because we are a safe harbour for those who hate. We were not chosen for this act of violence because we conone racism,because we are an enclave for extremism. We were chosen for the very fact that we are none of those things. Because we represent iversity,kinness,compassion. A home for those who share our values. Refuge for those who nees it. An those values will not an cannot be shaken by this attack.&rquo;

&lquo;We are a prou nation of more than 200 ethnicities,160 languages. An amongst that iversity we share common values. An the one that we place the currency on right now is our compassion an support for the community of those irectly affecte by this tragey.&rquo;

&lquo;An seconly,the strongest possible conemnation of the ieology of the people who i this. You may have chosen us &nash; we utterly reject an conemn you.&lquo;

&lquo;My thoughts,an I know all New Zealaners’ thoughts,are with those affecte an with the people of Christchurch.&rquo;

Up-to-ate information regaring the situation can be foun at the New Zealan Police website www.police.govt.nz.

If you are in New Zealan an you feel unsafe,please call 111 immeiately.

New Zealan Ambassaor to China H.E. Clare Fearnley sai toay,&lquo;We stan in soliarity with the people of Christchurch,on this grim ay for the city an the country. Our hearts go out to those who’ve lost love ones&rquo;.




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